
Coconut water *CP*

Re: Coconut water *CP*

  • It is absolutely disgusting.

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  • I voted SS, because I really like coconut water, but only when fresh off the coconut. Those bottled versions are gross.

    It tastes amazing with grapefruit juice and lots of ice. 

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  • Rio/SS - about 10 years ago I traveled to Thailand and loved coconut water straight from the coconut.  But I haven't tried any of the new coconut water drinks that are being marketed here.
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  • I was super excited to try it, it looks sooo refreshing, stupid marketing DH said it tastes like sweat lol I kind of agree it's rancid! who voted yes on this!? I NEED TO KNOW WHY!! haha

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  • imageali_bl-nov05:

    I voted SS, because I really like coconut water, but only when fresh off the coconut. Those bottled versions are gross.

    It tastes amazing with grapefruit juice and lots of ice. 

    I've had fresh coconut water out of the coconut and I didn't really like that either (don't know why I thought I might like the bottled version) it's just really salty and not sweet at all...I guess I will always like fake a$$ coconut lol

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  • Never tried it and have no urge to. DS stole a few sips from auntie in the summer and loved it.
  • I don't like any form of coconut. 
  • I like fresh just fine, but I don't keep it stocked.  I Prefer to have mine on a beach.  In Jamaica.  Smile

  • I only like the pineapple coconut water if it is really cold.  I have only had it a few times and definitely don't keep it stocked in my fridge.  I tried a few brands of regular coconut water and it was definitely not for me.
  • I did SS because I like it but don't keep it stocked in my fridge.
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  • Anything coconut literally makes me vomit instantaneously so I have not and will not try it.


  • I actually do have some stocked inmy frigde.  I use it as an alternative to Gatorade.  The key is to find the right brand.  A lot of them have "pulp" which is gag inducing.  I like the pulp-free version from Grace.


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  • My prenatal yoga teacher told me to drink coconut water every day while pregnant with DS to help the ridiculous swelling I get while pregnant.  It didn't help and tasted nasty.  I'm huge into coconuts (I use coconut oil for cooking and beauty reasons, and coconut milk for DS), but coconut water I cannot handle.
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