Cloth Diapering

Stupid newbie questions

Hi ladies,

We just started CDing 2 weeks ago.  DS is 13 weeks old.  We have a smallish stash (18?) and we have several different brands, mostly pockets but a few AIOs.  We bought almost all of them second hand, although a few were new in the package when we bought them.  I'm not sure how relevant any of that is to my questions.  Anyway, we are really liking the CD for all of the normal reasons (money savings, less waste, cuteness) but we're having some leaking problems.  The poop has been contained really well, but DS' pee is leaking out the leg holes or the top of the diapers.  They are either one-size or size small, all of which appear to fit well when I put them on. What can I do about this?  Maybe DS is just a heavy wetter and I should put more than one insert in at a time?  I seem to have a million inserts, and when I just bought a few diapers new, the came with 2 - should I be using them both?  I change him about every hour to hour and a half when he's awake; that can't be waiting too long, can it?  I haven't even tried CD overnight yet, given that we can't contain the leaks during the day.

Also, what are your thoughts on putting the CDs in the dryer? What about the wetbag? I watched the Cloth Diapering 101 videos on YouTube and the woman there said the dryer was fine, but I thought most people air dried?  We live in an apartment with no outdoor space, if that makes a difference, so I'd be using a drying rack in the bathroom, not a clothesline.


Re: Stupid newbie questions

  • As for leaking, have you checked your diapers for repelling (and what detergent do you use, do you use any diaper creams, etc)? Do you make sure your son's penis is pointing down before fastening the diaper? One insert is probably ok, we still use just one during the day and our son is 7 months now. I use 2 at night starting around 4 or 5 months, and that worked well until recently. The microfiber isn't holding enough pee and we are getting compression leaks at night, so I'm waiting on some hemp inserts that I ordered and I just got some charcoal bamboo inserts that I'm prepping today and will try out soon.

    It's too wet where I live to line dry all the time. I did during the summer, now I mostly have to dry in the dryer. You can hang pul (the covers) on an indoor rack if you are concerned about the pul and elastics staying good, and toss wipes and inserts in the dryer. Although I just re-sealed some of my pul by tossing it in the dryer on high heat, so it comes in handy. I wouldn't overthink it. 

  • The diapers don't seem to be repelling - I put some water on them and it soaked in, didn't pool up, is that what you mean? We're using Bum Genius detergent and only using Earth Mother Angel Baby brand for diaper rash/redness. 
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  • It's probably a fit issue then, as in his little legs aren't chunky enough yet. :) As long as you don't mind a bit of baby pee for a few weeks, you'll be fine.

    As an aside, I don't know how expensive BG detergent is but I imagine it's pricey. I had heard on another site that BG is just repackaged Country Save, so if you like that detergent you could try CS. I find it locally at the drugstore here, and it's pretty cheap ($7.50 in Canada for a big box).

  • Thanks, girls - I think it is a combo of not absorbing enough (on the diapers that don't have the microfleece inserts) and a fit issue with his legs.  Like you said, they're not that chunky yet, although they are way chunkier than when he was born, so we thought we were good to go!  I will try putting the MF inserts into the diapers that don't have them and go from there.  I do feel like I'm covered in pee all the time already, so that's not a big deal!

    Thanks for the info on the detergent - the local store here actually recommended Country Save, but DH had already ordered the BG from He said he got a good deal on it with a coupon, but I don't remember.

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