So the one thing I have discovered I love about the suburbs? Garage Sales. In the city they are few and far between, at least for kid's stuff.
My best finds so far:
Cozy Coupe - Free to good home. However my child was being the spawn of Satan at that moment and refused to allow the thing anywhere near our car to take it home, now of course loves the damned things.
Little Tikes Picnic table with benches attached - 8 bucks perfect condition! My kid actually let me leave with that one .
So what's the best thing/deal you've found at a Garage Sale/Thrift Shop?
Re: Best Garage Sale/Thrift Store snag?
A huge pink and purple Playdoh bin filled with unused Playdoh and tons of Playdoh toys for $4.00.
It was my neighbors.
This. Great condition, it had lived in a playroom forever so no weather damage. 20$ last weekend!
We have a consignment sale that is every 2 months or so, and I always score something awesome.
This spring I got the L&L Kitchen (all accessories) for $14, and the Sit and Spin Zebra (retails $75) for $10.
Sadly, I have had very little luck with garage sales this year, they are all junk in my area. I really want access to a weekly flea market.
DS's most cherished item - his blue blanket (or "Nee Nee") was acquired for free from a garage sale by my SIL. I almost threw it out... DS wasn't even born yet and had TONS of blankets already.
I've found a lot of quirky, funky shirts and skirts for myself at Goodwill.
geeze....tons of stuff...maybe the most of got for my money was LO's crib, mattress and changing table. I paid $100 and then they threw in 3 totes of maternity clothes...tons of crib sheets, 2 diaper bags, 2 monitors, 2 baby carriers, tons of receiving blankets and a dremel took kit for DH.
I just wanted to buy a crib ha ha
A boon frog toy holder for the bath, 1.
many garage sales will have kids clothes for 10 a piece. Love that.
That would be one dollar each for a my brest friend nursing pillow and boon frog toy holder for the bath.
Also I love when sales have kid clothes for ten cents each.