Yep I'm gonna be the PW in here until some of you get off your duffs and start carrying the weight.
What habit does your DH have that just drives you batty?
- I've got two:
He takes off his button down shirts and puts them over any available chair/dresser/AC unit currently residing in our room. He rewears them since he has them dry cleaned but rather than hang them back up they are constantly strewn about our bedroom. I don't know how many time's I asked him not to do it.
He starts dishes and either doesn't finish them. Thus leaving dirty dishes in the water, or leaves the water in intending to wash the dishes we are currently using to make dinner or whatever but then forgets and leaves the water in there. It grosses me out to now end to have to put my had in cold dirty water. I usually make him come back and do it and then give him the stink eye.
Your turn.
Re: What habit does your DH have that drives you batty?
He cooks everything on the highest setting and always burns the food. It's a running joke in the family, but he hasn't stopped doing it. Not that hard to turn down the flame....
He's always twisting his wrists around to pop them or something. He says he has pain. But, he's been to many dr's about it and they can't find anything wrong. I personally think he is making it up and it's just a habit. (Not really, I believe him, but it's still annoying. Plus, I have to sit there in silence about it cause he probably really is hurting.)
He puts things on top of the fridge all the time, like it's the junk drawer or something. But you can see everything up there so it always looks like a mess.
And he leaves his clothes in the living room because he gets dressed while watching tv in the morning. I'd rather have them all over the floor in the bedroom since I can just close that door, or hey here's an idea.... Put them in the hamper!
And the worst one is that he goes to bed without telling me, so I'm sitting on the couch thinking he's in the bathroom only to realize 10 mins later, nope he's sleeping and im sitting around waiting for him like a dumbass.
Won't let me use the garbage disposal...says it is not for food...What? ( I do when he is not around)
Leaves his hangers for his work shirts all over the house.
And farts so loud it wakes me up...I hate that! There is no need to push out a fart. Maybe he can get some kind of operation to pull his butt cheeks farther apart so the air coming our won't be so loud.
Oh MissNikki, thanks for the giggle I needed that.
What is it for then?
It's not an accident if you PUSH IT OUT. ughh
He does the "pick and flick."
Oh, the laundy/dirty clothes thing drives me crazy with DH!!
- He takes off his dirty clothes and drops them on the floor next to the hamper! Dropping them a fraction of inch further over would result in them being in the hamper but apparently that's too much effort (and of course it is in direct relation to pet peeve #2 that he doesn't put his clean laundry away).
- Either leaves his clean laundry in the dryer for a week (until I have to get him to remove it so I can do the next weeks laundry) and runs naked down from our 2nd floor bedroom to the laundry room in the basement to get dressed every morning - but doesn't bring the clean clothes back up with him?! Or when he does bring the basket of clean clothes up to our room will just leave them sit in the basket, complain that every one of his shirts is wrinkled (well then hang them up or fold them and put them in your dresser drawers dumba$$), and when it's time to do the next load of laundry, will dump the remaining clean clothes from the basket they are currently in into his 2nd basket on top of the remaining clean clothes from the week before that he still hasn't put away so that he has en empty basket for the dirty ones (which he has to pick up off the floor of course) to be carried down to the laundry room in, and will repeat the dumping of clean clothes from one basket into the other one which still contains clean clothes from the previous week every single week!!!
- Will leave his knife from buttering his toast in the morning on the edge of the sink with butter remnents on the blade rather than put it in the dishwasher and in the same vein leaves toast crumbs in the butter every morning and toast crumbs all over the counter because he's too lazy to grab a plate for his toast!
He leaves every light in the house on! Every freaking light! Also, he leaves his pants on the floor exactly where they hit. He just steps out of them!
But he does do more good than annoying!
Hey! This was going to be mine!
So annoying.
I have many. But his phone habits bug the ever-loving-sh!t outta me.
-He's a loud talker
-He's constantly got a phone attached to the side of his face
-He says "alright I gotta go" then he'll bring up another topic immediately and continue to talk for 20 mins.
-He can't FUNCTION while on the phone. If we're at the store he stops in the aisle and stands in one spot. WTH dude? I want to tell him to just hold on to my shirt and I'll guide him around the store like a freaking toddler while he continues to chat. Move your ass! I have things to do!
OMG he annoys me!
Hangers from work shirts everywhere.
Never scrapes his plate after dinner just plops it in the sink with food all over it, YUCK.
Has a real hard time putting trash in the trash can...he likes to place wrappers on the stove or counters drives me NUTS.
He drives like a grandma.
other than that he's a pretty good guy and I wouldn't trade him!
The disposal is good advice. Both times I've had to call a plumber because I put food in and it backed crap up. Plus makes the sink smell.
Leaves laundry all over
Apparently half of you are married to me, and the other half are married to my DW.
We're like one big, weird polygamist family.
I like this thread!
1- He takes out the trash, but doesn't replace the bag
2- He feeds the dogs, but never gives them water
3- He sits a full roll of tp or paper towels next to their holders, but won't actually replace them
4- He never scrapes food off plate
5- He has an empty water bottle collection next to his side of bed
6- He leaves 1/2 drank cans of fruit punch everywhere
These are just a few...
DH is pissing me off right now, so this answer works for me.