Baby Names

Kerry as a boy's name


it originally was but got taken over as a girl's name in the 70s 


Re: Kerry as a boy's name

  • I think it will cause a lot of conflicts for him in school, so I wouldn't personally name my son Kerry.
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  • a small point of info-

    my name is Kerry and I get called "Mr." etc ALL THE TIME!

    I think there is no winning. And I won't use it, just curious


    (and as a Kerry I feel like Carey, Carrie, etc. are totally different names. Especially if you live in places where the accent pronouces them differently- ie here in new york Kerry = Keh-ree and Carrie = Caaaah-ree)

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  • Well, I love it and have it on my boy long list. I personally know of 3 youngish male Kerrys (teens or younger) and one male Kerry a few years younger than me, and zero female Kerrys with this spelling, so it's not a girl name to me at all. Cary and Carey are also male spellings of the name, but my DH prefers the spelling Kerry. 

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  • The 'Kerry' spelling looks very feminine to me.

    Like a PP mentioned, when spelled 'Carey' I automatically think boy though. Interesting.

    Either way, I would never name my son this.
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  • I definitely wouldn't side eye it.  I went to high school with a Kerry and I know another Kerry probably late 40s/early 50s.  But personally I wouldn't choose it for a boy just because I know so many other Carrie/Keri/Kari's that are female and I wouldn't want my son having to deal with it forever.
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  • No.

    Reminds me of the time I met a guy named Tracy. I felt really bad for him. 

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  • I wouldn't use it but I wouldn't be surprised if I met a male Kerry.
  • Ashley was originally a boys name too but got taken over by girls.  I still think of Kerry as a girl's name
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  • I knew I guy a year ahead of me in school named Carey (not sure of the spelling).  I also went to college with a guy named Tracy.  It probably helped that they were both, like, 6'4".  I went to high school with a guy named Ashley, not tall, but our best sprinter by a lot.  So in my experience some (but not many) guys can definitely pull it off.  I do admire their parents for being confident enough to use those names!
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  • Kerry is definitely a masculine name in my opinion and I know a few male Kerry's. Keri is feminine to me. I love the name for a boy.
  • I still like it for a boy. It is unisex now with the Kerry, Cary, Carey spellings being more masculine.


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  • It's my name. I'm a girl born in the 80's. 

    I realize this is the male spelling, but it's obviously too feminine for me.

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  • All I can think of is the politician...
  • It is the male spelling of my name so I would think boy.  I only knew one IRL, he was a year younger than me in HS.  I think if you have a strong Irish background and /or it's important in your family than it could work.  But I totally feel bad for the boys out there that have names like Kelly, Ashley etc. 

    ETA: I have a FB friend that just posted she was "in a relationship" with a Kelly.  I seriously said WTF and had to click to see if it was a girl (since she last dated a guy I know).


  • imagelady dixneuf:

    a small point of info-

    my name is Kerry and I get called "Mr." etc ALL THE TIME!

    I think there is no winning. And I won't use it, just curious


    (and as a Kerry I feel like Carey, Carrie, etc. are totally different names. Especially if you live in places where the accent pronouces them differently- ie here in new york Kerry = Keh-ree and Carrie = Caaaah-ree)

    My name is also Kerry.  I could have written this exact post.

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  • Much too feminine for me. I wouldn't do it.
  • I HATE Kerry for a boy. But maybe it's b/c I know an awful person w/ this name and I think it's very feminine sounding.
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  • I know a guy Kerry in real life - probably in his 60s now.  He worked about 6 cubes down from me, Carrie, and another co-worker, Kari.  Things got pretty screwy in that office!  *grin*

     His major complaint is that people assumed he was a woman, despite the traditionally male spelling of his name.  While the spelling Kerry says "man" to me, I think that Carrie/Carey/Cari/Kari/etc has really gone to the girls.

  • My friends friend has twin boys (10 mos) that are Carey and Henry. I think this spelling looks "boy" while Kerry looks "girl."
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