Babies: 0 - 3 Months

What toys are your LO using?

I have an 8 week old and we spend time on the playmat, and playing with a rattle or two, but I am looking to purchase a few new toys, since she is really starting to focus and track objects and hopefully soon will do some grabbing.  What should I get??

Re: What toys are your LO using?

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    Right now we are using the playmat with it's Bright Starts attachments, 2 other rattles (soft, for when Sunny whips them around and smacks herself in the face).  She doesn't grab onto them herself, but if I put her hand around it, she holds on to it.  A mirror and mommy basically round out her current toys of interest. 
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    Just a rattle and the toys here play mat came with. I also crocheted some soft blocks for her. So far though she doesn't grab, but will hold if I put it in her hand.
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