Two Under 2

Gonna have Three under 14 months

I wrote in another post and was directed here.. Maybe I should start a new Board. Three Under Three



Wondering if anyone is in the same boat as me? I have twin boys at home who just turned 10 months old and I am 6 1/2 months pregnant. This was a surprise in the fact we did not plan it just happened. So we took it as a blessing from God and just stayed positive. Now approaching my due date and havign two new crawlers at home I am literally starting to freak out! 

I know I will handle it just like I handled having twins. I wondered how would I do but you just do as a Mom, as you all know.   Just wondering if anyone out there is pregnant as well and starting to get nervous just like me!!!

 Im one of those who thinks everything happens for a reason and God has a plan but I cant help worry about how I am going to handle 3 children all under the age of 13 months!  

 I guess part of this post is to see if anyone is out there who is in the same situation and in part just to release some of these feelings..

 Thanks for listening...


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Re: Gonna have Three under 14 months

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    I am not in the same situation as you, but I will also have 3u3 (possibly 3u2).  I currently have a 22mo and a 10mo (both birthdays in Nov) and I am due with #3 the end of Nov.  DS1 (11/18/10) and DS2 (11/9/11) were both born 3 weeks early, so my concern is I will deliver early with #3 as well. 

    I, like you, also believe that God had a plan for this... (my school was closing, fear of losing my job, found out I was PG again, became a SAHM). 

    I wonder at times, how am I going to do it with 2 toddlers and an infant, but I know things will work out fine.  My mom told me when DS2 was born, as long as either baby is not hurt, it isn't a bad thing to let them cry for a few min, they can wait for Mommy... and at times, it has come to that.

    Don't know if this helps or answers your questions, but I thought I would share my experience.

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    I have an IRL friend that had 15 month old twins and a new baby (and her twins were preemies, so their corrected age was around 13 months).  She did great!  Her life is hectic, but she has some of the cutest pictures.  I am sure it will be a challenge, but you can do it!  And after having 2 babies, you will probably find having only one newborn a piece of cake Wink
    TTC#1 = Success on Cycle#19 with Clomid/trigger/b2b IUIs; beta#1 (15dpiui) 200, #2 (18dpiui) 433, #3 (22dpiui) 2356; TTC#2 = Surprise BFP 9/2009; TTC#3 = m/c at 6 wks, 10/29/11; BFP#2 4/1/2012... Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I, too, will have three under three...actually, three under TWO!  I have 10.5 month old twins and I'm 12 weeks the baby will be 17 months younger than his/her older siblings.  I'm nervous, but excited.  Thinking about logistics, like how I'll leave the house with all three, stresses me I'm trying to take it one day at a time.  Just remember what a blessing children are!!!


    August 2008 - Started TTC November 2009 - IUI#1 - BFN December 2009 - IUI#2 - BFN January 2010 - IUI#3 - BFN February 2010 - IUI#4 - BFN May 2010 - IUI#5 - BFN July/August 2010 - IVF#1 - Ectopic Pregnancy December 2010 - FET#1 - BFN February/March 2011 - FET#2 - BFP! TWINS BORN ON 11/11/11!!
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    Well, I'm not in your exact situation, but I do have three under 3, and my first two are only 14 months apart. I love the 14-month age gap! At 14 months, LOs are getting into an independent stage, so my DD happily played on her own while I tended to the baby. And she was too young to really feel jealous. Since newborns sleep so much at first, my DD1 had plenty of time to be around DD2 without DD2 really requiring attention, so by the time DD2 needed to be held more and was awake more, DD1was already used to her and wasn't concerned that mommy had to go help the baby.

    Plus, my oldest didn't walk until she was 15 months, and I truly feel it was easier to carry her around than have to chase her while being so pregnant. Having a baby when DD1 was 14 months old truly was a smoother transition than I ever expected.

    I'll be honest, adding #3 to the mix was more challenging. She was born when my older DDs were 18 months and 2 1/2 years. But I knew I would get into a groove just like I did when I had two under 2, and things got much easier when DD3 was three months old. So you just need to hang in there for first couple of months, and the logistics of handling three babies will fall into place for you. Best of luck!



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    I will have 3 under 1.  My son was born 2/9/2012 and I have twins due 2/24/2013.  I freak out on a daily basis.  We did not plan either and have been blessed with children, and I know once they are here, they will be just fine and so will I but the idea scares me. 
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    I will also have 3 under 3.  I am a little scared, but like everyone else has said -  you just go day to day and you push through it.  My first 2 are 15 mos apart, and DD1 started potty training at 20 mos, which was one of my most challenging times!  I am an attorney, and I work MWF and am home with the girls T,Th. I can honestly say those two days home with them are way more stressful and tiring than my days at work!  I don't really know what to expect with 3 under 3, but I know it will be chaos for the first few months until we get into a groove.  I remember how I felt so overwhelmed going from 0 to 1 child.  Then once I had 2, I thought "what the heck did I do with all my time when I just had 1 kid?!?"  One seems SO easy now.  I imagine it will be the same way - two will seem like cake once I have 3.  One of the hardest parts has just been keeping DD1 from torturing DD2.  She was always climbing into DD2's crib, sitting on her, climbing on top of DD2's high chair.  No place was safe.  Now DD2 is a little better at defending herself, but it's still a constant struggle.  That said, they love each other SO much and it warms my heart and brings me to tears seeing them play together and hug each other, etc.  So, I guess we'll all just go with God's plan and push through!   
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