So AF finally decided to show her ugly head this morning and end this whacky cycle :-( Waiting to hear back from my doctor to hear what the game plan is for this next cycle. Good luck to those still in it this month!
Me 39 & suspected PCOS, DH 42. Went off BCP when we got married in 11/11, seriously TTC since 3/12. Six cycles of clomid = BFNs. Suspected endometriosis & HSG showed both tubes blocked. Sept 2013 IVF 5D transfer of two perfect embryos = BFN. Started acupuncture and taking time off to drop some pounds & get healthier before FET in April 2014.
Re: Looks like I'm out this cycle :-(
Bummer. Sorry to hear that.
I hope the game plan for next cycle works!
AMA & SAIF. TTC #1 since Oct. 2010. DX: Unexplained. BFP on break after 32 months trying and 2 med cycles. Baby girl born at 40w0d!
I'm sorry, I'm getting really discouraged this month. I am tired of waiting already! Told DH today either let me get a + or just get on with it already so I can try again!
My Ovulation Chart || Ovulation Tracker
BFP#1 1/31/12, EDD 10/6/12 Harrison Gray born sleeping @ 18w6d. You changed our lives little guy.
BFP#2 EDD 10/29/13, C/P 2/25/13, Bye little Ish, we barely got to know you.
BFP#3 EDD 12/21/13, Baby Boots born 11/23/13 My rainbow baby!
January PAL Siggy Challenge: Good Advice
My Ovulation Chart
Me: 41 DH: 46. We are TTC our 1st, started July '11,
3 cycles clomid with Ob,
1 cycle Tamoxifen with Ob,
Diagnosed PCOS 11/5/12
clomid, trigger & timed bd 12/12 BFN
1st clomid IUI 1/4/13 BFN.
2nd clomid IUI 2/13 cancelled didn't respond to clomid.
3/15/13 scheduled laparoscopy & on bcp.
May 10 IUI from injectibles - BFN
May 22 done with interventions it will either happen or it won't.
February 2014 No longer actively trying, but not preventing.
SURPISE BFP 4/2/2015!!!!!!!!!!
Miscarriage 4/23/15
Yes you are correct. Trying to look on the bright side - my cycles are getting shorter and I'm actually ovulating so there has been progress made.
Qzee - your chart is looking really good. When are you planning on testing?
Thanks. I am going to hold off until the day AF is due or the day after (if I can). Last month I had a good looking chart & tested for the very 1st time since TTC and got a BFN. I would love to get a + and not have to do all the additional testing
LOL But I am realistic & am trying not to get my hopes up like I did in the past. With my Thyroid being 3.67 - it is high like everyone keeps telling me - but you never know...
Glad to see that your cycles are getting shorter, but I know CD1 bites.
Good luck for this next go-round!
We lost our first (EDD 07/23/12) after finding out at 12 weeks there was no longer a heartbeat. Our rainbow was born 05/22/13 and was worth all we went through.
“So can you understand? Why I want a daughter while I’m still young? I wanna hold her hand and show her some beauty before all this damage is done. But if it’s too much to ask, it’s too much to ask … Then send me a son.” – Arcade Fire
I am in the same boat, AF came, sobummed.
ah well new cycle,new chance to get it right.
Here's ohoping this is our month!
Breast Cancer diagnosis 12/01/2010 - Survivor and Cancer free as of 03/22/2011
BFP#1 04/12/2011 - fetal demise - MC 05/28/2011
BFP#2 10/14/2011 - fetal demise - MC 12/13/2011
BFP#3 05/30/2012 - fetal demise - MC 07/23/2012
IVF#1 02/14/2013 - 2 Beautiful Blasts transferred
BFP#4 02/25/2013 - BFP - MC and ectopic 03/06/2013
IFV#2 07/02/2013 -BFP#5 - 07/07/2013
1st Beta 07/11/2013 - 483 (9dp5dt) - 2nd Beta 07/13/2013 1006 (11dp5dt)
1st U/S 07/31/2013 - TWINS! "The Minions"
IVF#3 BFP#6 09/01/2015 6dp5dt
1st Beta 09/05/2015 - 105 - 2nd Beta 09/08/2015 335
1st U/S 09/22/2015 - .......