It's on the new Samsung or something that's not the iPhone and you can just swipe from one letter to the next and it recognizes the word.
It's been around a while. I had it on my old LG Optimus S that I got over a year or two ago. I think all Android touchscreens have the capability but I could be mistaken.
LOL My husband says "Swiper, no swiping" when I biitch about swype messing up my words.
Also I swype on my Infuse. Usually with my pointer or middle finger, but if I'm holding Z, sometimes my thumb. But lately Swype has gotten dumber! I had to correct half my sentence yesterday!
On my old phone, I had a hardware keyboard and used both thumbs. On my new phone, I just have the touchscreen keyboard and use my index finger. My keyboard is pretty good baout predictive text though so I don't actually type that much.
No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
Re: Are you a one thumb or a two thumb texter? CP Now.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
Clicky for you my dear ;-)
I thought of it because I was texting and tried with two and I got really angry.
iPhone, finger unless I'm one handed holding baby etc then one thumb
It's actually spelled Swype & it's a method of typing where you drag your finger across the letters (touchscreen).
It's on the new Samsung or something that's not the iPhone and you can just swipe from one letter to the next and it recognizes the word.
It's been around a while. I had it on my old LG Optimus S that I got over a year or two ago. I think all Android touchscreens have the capability but I could be mistaken.
LOL My husband says "Swiper, no swiping" when I biitch about swype messing up my words.
Also I swype on my Infuse. Usually with my pointer or middle finger, but if I'm holding Z, sometimes my thumb. But lately Swype has gotten dumber! I had to correct half my sentence yesterday!
On my old phone, I had a hardware keyboard and used both thumbs. On my new phone, I just have the touchscreen keyboard and use my index finger. My keyboard is pretty good baout predictive text though so I don't actually type that much.