I know I won't be able to use a jogging stroller to run with baby anytime soon, but how soon can I run by myself?
There's a 10K I want to run 1.5 months after I'm due... (or I could run the 5K, they also have a 5 or 10K walk, if need be)
What would be realistic?
Re: How soon after delivering will I be able to run?
I had somewhat of a difficult delivery with DS and it took me a while to get back to running despite having run throughout most of my pregnancy. Even after my 6 week appointment my OB urged me to a take a couple more weeks off from running but encouraged me to go back to the gym for other cardio. My delivery with DD was a walk in the park.....I went running the night my water broke. I was back walking at the gym a couple of days after her birth, jogging two weeks later, and back to my old pace by six weeks.
If you can I would wait and see how you feel and what your provider recommends. I had to sit out a race after having registered to run and it was devastating. It is much easier to sit out a race that you never registered for.
I started running about 4 weeks pp but had to take it easy because if I pushed it *at all* I'd start bleeding more. Plus, as crashintome pointed out, I delivered 11 days late. So no way would I have been running a 10k 6 weeks after I was due.
Is it something you can sign up for last minute?
I needed a c-section with DS and got the okay to start exercising 6 weeks pp and started a walk/regime then. By 8 weeks pp, I was able to run a 5k without any walking breaks. I was in good running shape before getting pregnant, but completely stopped running my entire pregnancy due to spotting issues, so I was pretty much starting from scratch.
No issues this pregnancy so I have continued to run. Had to reduce my mileage/pace a bit. I hope to continue running as long as possible and will also try for a vbac which should hopefully reduce healing time if I am successful.
I would say if you can maintain some form of a base during your pregnancy, a 5k or 10k could certainly be possible assuming no complications. If running gets to uncomfortable, try aqua jogging or the elliptical to maintain your base.
It all depends on how your delivery went and your body.
I had a very smooth labor which made it very easy to begin a workout routine shortly after. I started jogging very lightly at 2 weeks pp and was running at 4 weeks pp.
This. I got the go-ahead from my doctor to sign up for a half marathon 3 months pp, assuming I'd be having a no-complications, vaginal delivery. I ended up with a low-complications, vaginal delivery (induction/decels, but that's about it) and I was going on 3 mile walks 4 days after birth.
I started running again (about 2 miles) at 4 weeks pp, and started training for the half marathon at 5 weeks pp. I did a 5k (twice I ran it while DH walked with the baby, and when I finished I ran back to join them and completed it again.) at 10 weeks.
So assuming everything goes well, and how you recover, it's definitely doable.
How much have you been running during your pregnancy? I would think a 5K wouldn't be a problem if you are an avid runner and have been logging some miles. I finally ran 6 weeks pp yesterday, did 3.5 miles and felt good. I'm hoping to do a half marathon next month. I ran a marathon while I was pregnant and was training to run a second, but the weather was too warm (Boston) so I only got up to 20 miles at 19 weeks pregnant.
Things to remember.... you could deliver late and you could end up with a c-section... I had both happen. So I was good and waited the full 6 weeks but it also put me further behind then where I thought I'd be at this point.
Prior to my first pregnancy, I was running ~ 25 mpw. I stopped running in first tri due to spotting, but exercised throughout my pregnancy (yoga, walking, swimming, + elliptical). I went for my first post delivery run exactly 2 weeks after he was born and was back to my normal running schedule by 8 weeks.
This time around I'm 3w3d post delivery and planning on my first run tomorrow.
Both deliveries were uncomplicated vaginal births.