
Jayden just scared the CRAP out of DH :(

We're trying to help bring Jayden's fever down b/c he's extremely uncomfortable right now. Barely wants to walk, can't get comfortable, and just plain irritable. It's still at 102 even after Motrin, so we undressed him and DH was giving him a lukewarm bath. Jayden cried at first b/c he didnt want to get in (he usually dives in the tub!) but then he calmed down and played with his toys. I was in my bed b/c I'm not feeling well either, then I hear my DH saying "Jayden, are you ok?? Jayden...what's wrong are you ready to get out. Nia I think he's ready to get out...Jayden, look at me..." I go into the bathroom and Jayden is trembling and dazed. So we took him out really quick. I know it was just the difference in temps with his body temp being so high and the water probably was cooling off more while he was in the tub. He cried when I took him and and trmebled so hard so I wrapped him in a blanket. Took his temp 15 minutes later and it only went from 102.7 to 102.1. DH is gone to get tylenol now and we'll alternate him through the night and monitor the temp. If it's still high in the morning we are headed back to the Dr in the morning.

Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Jayden just scared the CRAP out of DH :(

  • That's scary.  The one time that I put DS in the bath when he had a fever, he came out all trembling and shivering and it scared me to death.  It was awful!  I hope your little cutie pie feels better soon; good luck tonight!
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  •  Poor baby!  I hope he feels better soon!

    On a side note, I have not seen you on here in forever.  Look at how big (and handsome) Jayden is!!!!  Love the sig. 

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  • My poor baby!!!!!!!!

    Give him a HUGE hug and kiss from Auntie!

  • I'm sorry your baby is sick. ?It isn't any fun when they don't feel well. ?My DD was the same way earlier this week and we found out she has the coxsackie virus. ?She had a high fever, wouldn't eat and was just uncomfortable. ?By any chance does he have any white blisters in his mouth? ?


    Hope he feels better soon.?

  • Thanks Jessica!! And MrsTerry, you know I'll kiss him for you!

    Texasmom, the first thing I checked was his mouth for blisters b/c he was just hospitalized in June for stomatis and it started with a high fever. So far his mouth is fine, so hopefully it's just a virus.

    Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
    And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
    FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Oh poor baby!! ?It is just horrible when they are not feeling well! ?I hope he feels better soon!

    And I have not seen you on here in forever so I just wanted to say that Jayden is getting so big!! ?And he is a beautiful little boy!!?

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