Baby Names

Did you compromise?

We've been having a horrible time agreeing on a name for baby boy.

 The ONLY one we agree on is Parker Harold Thomas

I'm not super crazy about it but it's the only one that we agree on, I love Declan and Ridley. Hubby wants Connor or Gavin.  We've been through every book and website out there and there is just nothing else we agree on.  If you compromised, did you ever regret it? 

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Re: Did you compromise?

  • Yup, we compromised. If DH or I could have named DS on our own without any input from the other, he would have been Ciaran or Kelly. Instead we chose a name we both really liked, instead of loved, and ended up loving it once it was our son's name.

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  • We only compromised on the MN cause DH wanted to honor some ppl on his side and my side and he said you'll love how it flies off your tongue.  He was right, MOLLY JEAN can come out sooo well. Smile
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  • Sort of compromised. Basically, neither one of us liked the others' top picks. So we threw them all out and moved on. We ended up with 2 first names we both really, really liked. Oddly, my favorite of the 2 (a name I didn't initially like at all only to fall in love with it a month later) became my Dh's favorite, and Dh's favorite (a name I had suggested early in the process as a compromise to another vetoed favorite of his) became my favorite. Funny how names can grow on you. When he was born, he looked more like Dh's favorite/my original love, so we went with it (Nathaniel). Now it has "re-grown" on me, and I am so glad we chose that name. You may want to step away from the naming stuff for awhile and let your top picks just grow on you (or grow out of them).
  • I compromised slightly. My sons name is Liam. Some people use it as a shortened form of William, which was my fathers name (not a good association). However, DH liked it alot and I came to like it just as much by the time he was born. I had some worries that my family might assume I was naming him after my father but even my mother (who holds out hope for him) didn't say anything.

    DS mn is Warren after my grandfather (as he was more of a father).

    I don't regret our decision.

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  • My husband lets me know if he hates a name but I now that we are actually looking at names for real he doesn't care too much what we choose.
  • We did compromise.  My husband is the fifth Nicholas (all with different middle names), so he wanted our son to be named Nicholas as well.  So, Nicholas is his name, but we use the nickname Cole.

    No regrets really. 

  • The reality of both parents absolutely LOVING a name really is rare.  So.... I'd say someone almost always "compromises".


    "Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
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    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10

  • Ours is a compromise- the name wasn't my top choice, but one day I saw it, liked it, and turned out DH loved it, even though he'd been stuck on a few names that I didn't like for awhile. If you aren't crazy about Parker, I'd start from scratch- maybe check both your genealogies to see if there are any cool family names you haven't considered? And agree with PP, you may want to take a break from name obsessing for awhile to see if anything strikes you while you aren't looking. 
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  • We compromised, Olivia was the only name DH really felt strongly about - we had it narrowed to Olivia, Natalie, Sarah, Rachel and Hannah.  I was resistant to it for a reason I couldn't put my finger on (it wasn't the popularity, that never bothered me) but since I picked her middle nane (my middle name and my mom's first name) I agreed to name her Olivia nn Livi. 

    I don't regret it for a second but I still love the other four on our list so we might revisit them if we have another girl.

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  • I've comprimised.  Our LO is not born yet, but we've picked our names and neither are the names I had wanted. 

    My fav names:  Joseph John and Joselyn Jean  (the double J's were not the problem, I actually did that since that my DH's initials)

    Picked names; John David and Lucy Elizabeth  (the boy name is DH's fav and its after our dads, the girl name came out of left field but we agreed and liked it)


    *** DS born February 21, 2013 - Toronto, Canada  ***
  • We are in the process of compromising.  We have a list of names that we both like (some I like more than others...), but neither my nor my husband's *favorite* names made it to the list.
  • Not really, we just picked the name we both liked. And now I can't imagine my DS being any other name.

    If it was up to me he would have been Christian


    “I’d marry again if I found a man who had $15 million and would sign over half of it to me before the marriage and guarantee he’d be dead in a year.” - Bette Davis
  • I did to a certain extent. I really wanted to name DS Jack after my father (and his mn after DH's father), but DH was not sold on naming him "just" Jack, and wanted him to have a "formal" name too.  John was not an option for us, so he suggested Jackson. I initially vetoed it, but then came around because it really was a true compromise (and, FWIW, we had not agreed on a single other name up to that point).  We mainly call DS Jack, but I also really like Jackson now and I've taken to calling him Jackson more and more.  I don't regret compromising at all!

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  • We picked a name we both loved. Honestly, everything in parenting is compromise.

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  • We're already settled on (first) names. We got lucky. DH had boy name that he was in love with, and I happen to love it as well. He hated my #1 girl name (Vivian), so I came up with a HUGE list of names I loved, and we ran through based on his gut reactions. I knew I loved all the names, so it was just a matter of figuring out which ones he liked too. Now, we're both excited over our names.
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  • We compromised on the spelling. My ex's great grandma's name was Rhian (traditional Welsh spelling) but when she came to the US, she changed it to Ryann for some reason. I wanted Rhian and he want Ryann. We went with Ryann so I could have the name altogether because I loved it so much!
    (Former UN: iloveshanej)

    Birdie born 05/01/2007
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    Potato Launcher

  • I think it's important to pick a name you both like - I'm pretty sure as long as you like it now you'll grow to love it when LO arrives. If one of you feels like you "lost" the name game by naming him Declan or Connor the other parent might regret it more than if you both at least like it to begin with.
  • Yep!

    DD's name was my favorite.  To the point where DH didn't even suggest names because he knew how much the name meant to me.  He loves it now, but I have zero clue if it would have been a top choice (or even top 10).  Her name (Katherine nn Kate) fits his overall style (classic, traditional, preppy) so I know I didn't totally ambush him. 

    DS's names was DH's favorite (Connor).  I like the name, but it wasn't at the top of my list when we were discussing names.  It probably wasn't even top 10.  But now that it is my son, I LOVE it.  It is perfect for him.  And I love that my husband got to name his son something he really loves.

    I think it is unrealistic and probably unusual for a couple to both be in love with the same name to the same degree.  Someone is always compromising a little bit.  For us, each of us got our choice once.  If we have #3, who knows what we'll do ;).

    Married 6/28/03

    Kate ~ 7/3/09 *** Connor ~ 11/11/10

    4 miscarriages: 2007, 2009, 2013, 2014


    No more TTC for us. We are done, and at peace, as a family of 4.

    "Suffering has been stronger than all other teaching, and has taught me to understand what your heart used to be. I have been bent and broken, but – I hope – into a better shape.” — Charles Dickens


  • Of course! :)

    I got my number one pick for DS1 (Theodore.) DH had suggested Moses during my entire pregnancy then brought up Francis in the hospital.  We tried out Francis for a day and then finalized on Theo in the end and DH picked his father's MN for the MN. (He originally suggested my dad's FN as the MN, but my dad had just died and I wasn't emotionally ready to use it.)

    When it came to DS2, DH again wanted to use Francis.  It is a name that I never would have picked myself, but it is a good saint's name which is important to me, and a family name for DH so I agreed to it. I got the final say in his MN which is my maiden name. (Again DH suggested my dad's name, but I still wasn't ready to use it.)

    I think Theodore and Francis have grown on each of use respectively. :)

    P.S. DH is back on Moses for #3!

    Married 9-4-04

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  • We compromised.  Between your names and DH's, Declan is definitely my favorite.
  • We compromised big time.  We started with each creating a list of our favorite names and discussed them until we had them narrowed down to about 25 names that we both agreed that we could tolerate.  Then we each started to rank them without discussing.  If we had 25 names on a list, each name ranked at #1 earned 25 pts, #2 24 pts, and so on. (We didn't look at each other's rankings until we were done) Then we took the top ten names (based on the points) and did it again.  We did this until we ended up with 3 names that were always tied.  We both had the same name ranked #2, but different ones ranked #s 1 and 3.  So, we agreed that neither of us would get our first choice and went with number 2.  Now, we both absolutely love the name we chose:  Ronin Wyatt.  
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  • We didn't know the sex of our baby and walked into the hospital with 19 names. I wanted Phoebe for a girl and wasn't backing down. Boy names we both had lists but never narrowed it down. Baby came out, took one look at her, and I named her. She didn't end up a Phoebe. I picked the only name I liked off of SO's list. Then I have her the middle name after SO's grandma, and it wasn't even on the list. And I love her name! Something at that moment just felt right about it!
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  • Yes...both times!

    With Alexis I wanted Alexa but we compromised on Alexis bc he hated Alexa. She is almost 5 now and has no clue I wanted to name her Alexa... sometimes she tells is to call her Lexa lol its really funny to us! But we call her Lexi most of the time anyways which we would have done regardless if her name was Alexa or Alexis. So whatever...I still love Alexa lol

    With Lauren, I said the name Lauren Olivia for a girl when I first found out we were pregnant & we both loved it. As the pregnancy progressed he started really liking Leah & I wanted Chloe or Olivia. But he hated Chloe & like Olivia for a middle name. So we compromised on Lauren Olivia- I tried for a few months to change it & he wouldnt budge. Im glad he didnt bc she is totally a Lauren & I am beyond in love with her name :)

     Both girls names fit them now but next time I will not be compromising :) LOL We are already battling girl names (our boy name is pretty much set) for baby #3 which we have been TTC for a few months now.

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  • I kind of compromised.  We had a hard time agreeing on a name for DS.  I put what turned out to be his name on a loooooong list of boy names I would consider, and DH glommed onto it.  I gave him the final choice because we used my maiden name as DS's middle name and DD's first name is from my side.  Now I can't imagine him being named anything else.  It was not a name that would have been in my top 10 if it had just been up to me, though.
    DD born 10/10/07 * DS born 11/25/11 * #3 due 3/9/2015
  • I compromised on DD's name. DS was named after both my grandpas, and I was insistent on using my MN and my mom's first name as DD's MN so I felt that it was only right that DH get more say in her first name. Of all DH's suggestions, Elsa was the only one I didn't hate, but I wasn't immediately in love with it. Now I really like it and can't imagine her with any other name.
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  • Ahhh I feel so much better knowing that we aren't the only ones that can't agree on much!!  Thanks so much!
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  • I did compromise, yes. My daughter's name is Elinor Catherine, but we call her Nora.

    I wanted to name her Nora Catherine, but Elinor was DH's grandmother. I felt that Nora would still honor his grandmother, but he really wanted to formally name DD Elinor. We knew all along we would call her by Nora, and I really struggled with naming her one thing but calling her another.

    I don't regret her name, though. I think it was a small but worthy compromise. :) 

    Our sweet girl is 3!

    Lilypie - (R7Ux)

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