
XP: c/s moved up

Hello all, I'm posting this on the c-section board as well.

I spent the weekend at L&D for observation and monitoring after some tunnel vision, headaches, and low platelet counts last week.  Up until now everything has been going very smoothly.  My dr. decided to move up my cs from 38 weeks to TOMORROW (37 weeks, 1 day).  And I'm starting to get very nervous about it!  I made the decision a long time ago to opt for a section, but it has always been very surreal to me; spending time in the hospital really solidified it and now I'm scared. The only other procedure/surgery I've ever had was my wisdom teeth removed, and I had a panic attack before then too.  I'm the one whose eyes well up every time she gets stuck with a needle, just out of anxiety.  

Any tips on how to deal with the anxiety of major surgery?  I have lots of family support and I'm so happy to meet my LOs but the whole being cut open thing is getting to me.  


Re: XP: c/s moved up

  • I broke my ankle about 4 years ago, and I had to have surgery to repair it.  I completely freaked out too.  But I have found since then, I have had multiple smaller surgeries for cyst removals, I am much more calm simply because I know what it going to happen.  Since you haven't had surgery before, it is nerve wracking.  But remember you are in good hands.  You are in a hospital that has the capability to handle all kinds of issues.  You also have an anethesiologist you'll be able to talk to that can adjust your meds as needed.  Before you go in, tell the anesthesiologist about your anxiety and the panic attack you had with your wisdom tooth surgery so he'll know what to give you to help you relax.  And then of course, the outcome of healthy babies :)  Try and focus on that.  You'll do fine!

    TTC since May 2006. After 3 failed Clomid cycles, 2 failed Injectibles/IUIs, 2 failed IVFs and 1 failed FET, we moved on to adoption! 


    Last ditch FET resulted in BFP, and identical twin girls!

  • I've been thinking of you today. I hope your section went well and you're holding your beautiful babies!!
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