A very close friend of mine passed away in March, his name was Braydon (with that spelling).
I've always loved his name, he is the only Braydon/Brayden/Braden I've ever known but apparently his parents were way ahead of the curve because he was born in '86 and now that name seems to be pretty popular.
I'm having a hard time falling in love with any boy names and would love to use this name as a tribute, but is it just too popular? If I did use it, I would keep the same spelling as my friend's name.
Full disclosure, I'm like 2 minutes pregnant and have no idea if I'll even be having a boy, but I'm an OCD planner.
Re: Braydon?
My dad and DH's dad actually both have the same name (Richard) so we want to use that as a middle name if we have a boy.
I know they are related, but until I started stalking this thread and name websites I never thought of Braydon and Aiden as being related/similar, so that kind of doesn't bother me as much as the actual name itself being popular.
Ultimately, I don't think I'll use it because of how popular it is but I hate that all of the boy names I have liked for years and years (some since I was a small child) are now soooo popular.
I guess girls my age liked all those names as kids too, and now we're all having babies and using them!
Use it.
It has so much meaning behind it for you, that it should take away from any trendy/popularity issues.
While it is popular it isn't over the top, like you would have had with Mason or some other names.
Use it. I love the sentiment!!
As possible as Braydon is...I don't know a single one.
Maverick James 01.07.2012 * Married 01.23.2010 * Harper Skye 01.24.2013
LOVE that name! I am having twin boys and only have one name picked out which is Brayden Patrick!!
Not sure which spelling to use yet..
Braden, Brayden, Braiden, Braidyn, Bradyn, Braydon..TOo many to choose from!
Congratulations on your pregnancy!
The issue with Braydon isn't just it's popular, it's that it's part of a trend--- the "rhymes with Aidan" trend that encompasses a huge number of made-up sounding boy names-- that many of us are extremely tired of, and which is time-stamped late 00's/ early '10s. Not just Aidan and Brayden, but Caden, Raden, Jayden, Hayden...the list, unfortunately, goes on and on.
FYI, if you combine all the (24!) spelling iterations, Brayden is the 20th most popular boy name (thanks to the hard work of the namenerds.com website, see https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Aul5rjpfI_qvdE5IUk9wZmozc2xUMjlidDBmV1BmZXc#gid=0). It's an exaggeration to say he'd have five other Braydons in his class. It'd be unusual that he'd even have one. But you'll keep encountering other boys with names that sound a lot like his. It's up to you how much that bothers you. I think it's mainly important that you educate yourself as to the extent of this trend. My sister chose a "rhymes-with-Aiden" name for her son, thinking it was an old Irish name (it's not-- it's a made-up name with recent, American origins) that was really unusual, and only later discovered that every kid on her block had it.
I like the sentiment of the name. And I'm sorry for your loss.
Thanks for your input. I looked over the top boy names on that website and I don't think I realized the full extent of the "rhymes with Aiden" trend. Jayden, Cayden, etc. etc. etc.!
I really don't think I want my poor kid to be part of that whole thing.
I grew up with a super common name and hated being one of three people in a class with it. I realize it won't be exactly the same name that's so common, but I don't want my child getting mixed up with all of the Jayden, Aiden and Caydens!