I have a 3 year old son and my preemie who is almost 2 months. I'm debating on getting my 3 year old the flu shot this year. I normally wouldn't do it, he hasn't had a flu shot yet, but I want to protect his baby brother.
My three year old just started preschool three days a week so he's probably going to be exposed to a lot this fall and winter.
Im just curious if you are planning on having your older child or children get flu shots to protect the preemie of the family.
Re: If your preemie has an older sibling please come in.
I just posted something similar in the preschool board, you may want to check out my post because I got a lot of responses there.
I'm not due til Dec but am thinking of getting it for all of us. I've had a lot of issues w PTL/IC this pg so it's possible this baby could come early too.
I have a 4 year old and she, my husband, and I have all already gotten the flu shot for the season.
There is absolutely no way that I would not have the flu shot for everyone living in our house given that preemies have compromised immune systems and my preemie is too young to get the flu shot herself. My same reasoning also applies for the whooping cough vaccine -- my entire household is now up-to-date on that as well.
TTC since November 2009.
Currently licensed foster parents with the hope of adopting! Also pursuing pregnancy through IUI! First IUI scheduled 10/3/13
Currently loving our placements:
A 1/08
C 4/11
K 6/12