Houston Babies

Pedi Recommendation

Hello all! New here. DH and I are due in Feb. with our 1st one. :) Just trying to get a recommendation for a Cypress Pediatrician. Thanks!
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Re: Pedi Recommendation

  • This is my first ever post (I always forget to look at the boards), so first hi!  Second, congratulations!  My daughter was born July 4th and we have taken her to Dr. Karla Ramsey since the beginning.  It's a small doctor's office, so it's very personable.  Dr. Ramsey and her PA's and nurses are nice, informative, and tell it like it is.  They are located in the first Professional Building at the North Cypress Medical Center.  The website is ramseypediatrics.com.

    I have also heard that 1960 Pediatrics is good as well as Texas Childrens Pediactrics and Steeplechase Pediatrics.  We decided to go with Dr. Ramsey's office because we liked the more intimate feel that we got.

     Good luck!!

  • I take my LO to Dr. Peggy Wongsa.  She is next to the Cy-Fair Hospital (Professional building 1).  She is a great Pedi and is always there to answer questions and will see you even if you don't have an appointment.
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  • I take my LO to Steeplechase Pediatrics, Dr. Farah Mamedov is amazing. They have 2 locations. First one is off of 1960 Wortham Blvd. by 290, and the second one is off of Skinner and Spring Cypress near the Smoothie King. GL with finding a good pedi.
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