I asked for prayers a few weeks ago for Deb who collapsed at Penn Station, leaving her husband and two young kids wondering what happened. She passed away on the 16th.
I followed Deb's story for the six weeks she lay in a coma. I prayed for her and asked friends to pray for her. When she passed away, I cried. I cried for a woman I had never met. I cried for her kids and husband. I cried for my sweet friend, a friend of Deb's, whom I knew would would have an aching loss in her heart. I try to be grateful every single day for my health and the health of my family. As I sit in the middle of my house, only half painted and half unpacked... I have to acknowledge that I am lucky.
I was reminded by Deb's passing of the passing of Shelly three years ago at Thanksgiving. I thought of you girls and how we rallied as a community for her family. My heart hurt again for Traci. I hope you are all well in Atlanta.
Re: Update
Big hugs, Michelle! I've been thinking of you and hope you are settling in although I've been following you on FB. :-)
I'm so very sorry for your friend's loss. I know all too well her pain as not a day goes by that I don't think of Shelly. I actually told Peter the other day that I think Noah is such a crazy force of nature because of her. She changed his diaper before I did, fed him before I did and carried him into the bris. It helps a little knowing he has his own guardian angel.
I'm not on here much at all anymore but I think about the old days a lot and remember how much all of you restored my faith in humanity during that time.
This got me all teary thinking about that poor family that will be without their mother. I'm very sorry for your friend's loss. I try to remember all the time that we are lucky to have two healthy boys and take the other stuff in stride.
I always start thinking about Shelly more this time of year.
Mommy to Abigail Elizabeth (11/4/11) and Brady Jasper (7/2/09)
my blog
I am so sorry to read this.
I think about Shelly, too. That is so sweet to think about Shelly as Noah's guardian angel. I love that.
Photo by Everything Nice Photography
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