
The moment when you realize

That your kid is tall enough to reach on top of the counter. Yeah I just had that moment. C took a nice swig of my coffee. Today is going to be a fun one!
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Re: The moment when you realize

  • P isn't tall enough yet, but she will take sips if it's low.  GL today!!  Maybe take him for a run??  LOL
  • At least it wasn't a knife?? Yes, that happened to us and I freaked the frack out.
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  • Yeah my husband keeps leaving knives too close to the edge of the counter and scaring the bejeezus out of me! Also, Z loves coffee. We don't have a coffee table anymore so I put it on the low window sill and Z loves to dip her fingers in it and suck the coffee off. She'd probably drink it if she could. I think it's the caramel macchiato creamer that I use.

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  • imagecatycate:
    At least it wasn't a knife?? Yes, that happened to us and I freaked the frack out.

    Eek! Yeah, luckily C's appetite for things he's not allowed to have is greater than his desire to wield a knife. There was definitely one up there. 

    flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
  • DS pulled a bowl and 2 plates down yesterday and the bowl smashed into pieces. He'd definitely take the knife if he could reach it.My kid is too tall.

    He loves any and all coffee, including mine with no sweetening!

  • imageHesterlicious:

    He loves any and all coffee, including mine with no sweetening!

    Whenever DH or I drink coffee or some form of alcohol, LO calls it "Mommy water" or "Daddy water".  This is really embarassing when we have guests over because it makes us seem like lushes.

    As for the counter thing, DH left a knife too close to the edge of the counter a few months back.  I caught LO just as he was grabbing it.  Lesson was learned. ETA:  The lesson that was learned was don't keep dangerous objects on the edge of the counter.

  • DS2 is almost tall enough, dreading the days when he is!
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