
How many more posts do I need for silver?

Welp, the title sums it up.

Re: How many more posts do I need for silver?

  • 83
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  • Hm. I'm a lot further away than I thought I was.

    Bronze super members FTW.  

    flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
  • Loading the player...
  • Hmmm. I'm kinda tired, but if I dig my heels in I could get close before bed.
  • imagecynnichinny13:

    Hm. I'm a lot further away than I thought I was.

    Bronze super members FTW.  

    I feel the same way every time I see a silver-related post.

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  • imageSpooko:
    You could get that done tomorrow if you work really hard, 2 days at medium posting capacity.
    I'm on it!
  • imageSpooko:

    You could get that done tomorrow if you work really hard, 2 days at medium posting capacity.
    I'm on it!

    I really went full force at first to shed the newb status, but
    I've been feeling pretty blah lately and
    my mission for silver is crumbling.

    I just realized how many posts and I knew I had to be close but not this close:)
  • Did I thank you guys for responding?
  • And I hope your evening is going well.
  • Of course you can.
  • imageSpooko:
    And both my beasts are in bed asleep so my evening is definitely going well.
    Lolyshit.  I thought that said your bReasts are in bed asleep.  Whaaa?  LOL
  • imageSpooko:
    Aaaannnnnd I cursed myself b/c DD just woke up :(
    Ugh, that's the worst!
  • Till 2,001 I think.
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers image Mom to 4, pregnant with 2
  • Shoot I knew I should have stuck around and upped my post count with you.
    flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
  • Am I too late?
    flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
  • I'm too late ::sadsies::
    flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
  • imagecynnichinny13:
    I'm too late ::sadsies::
    You no too late!  I got busy, but I have time for you!!!
  • imagesofamonkey:
    I'm too late ::sadsies::
    You no too late!  I got busy, but I have time for you!!!

    Woo! But now I have to call my pedi office to b!tch out the scheduler and get C a 2 year appointment.  I'll be back in a flash


    flight photo flight_zpsa49d4a0f.jpg Baby Birthday Ticker TickerI'm a -retired- bronze super member Hi, I'm Dave's wife...
  • imagecynnichinny13:

    I'm too late ::sadsies::
    You no too late!  I got busy, but I have time for you!!!

    Woo! But now I have to call my pedi office to b!tch out the scheduler and get C a 2 year appointment.  I'll be back in a flash


    ::sending bitchawhoreout dust to you::
  • I'm back, I had to clean out my freezer and by cleaning out my freezer, I meant eating the last ice cream snickers bar. It was worth it.
  • <------ + 1 more to Platinum
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageWufroggy79:
    &lt;------ + 1 more to Platinum
  • imageSpooko:

    And both my beasts are in bed asleep so my evening is definitely going well.
    Lolyshit.  I thought that said your bReasts are in bed asleep.  Whaaa?  LOL

    When I scanned what I wrote before hitting post I read it that way too. I had to double check. I thought it was funny that I read it that way so I posted to see if anyone else would, too. So you win :) 

    Yay!  I LOVE winning!  Big Smile
  • Watching the office right now.
  • imageSpooko:
    So what's shaking everyone? I was so tired about an hour ago and was going to turn in early, but I decided I really should shower now so I don't run out of time in the morning. It reinvigorated me.
    Drink some wine.  That should help!! 

    I'm just chillin' out.  P is with my mom & dad for another hour, DH is at some boring meeting.  I should be doing a whole s'hitload of things, but I'm enjoying the couch.  

  • imageSpooko:

    <------ + 1 more to Platinum

    Isn't platinum 10,001 or 15,001? 


    Dude, she said +1 more to platinum.  It means she's closer.  lol

  • imagesofamonkey:

    <------ + 1 more to Platinum

    Isn't platinum 10,001 or 15,001? 


    Dude, she said +1 more to platinum.  It means she's closer.  lol

    Well, does this mean we lock this thread out tonight, I need to get closer to gold. 

  • imagegimmietimmies:

    <------ + 1 more to Platinum

    Isn't platinum 10,001 or 15,001? 


    Dude, she said +1 more to platinum.  It means she's closer.  lol

    Well, does this mean we lock this thread out tonight, I need to get closer to gold. 

    Man, those were funsies.  It was like a long conversation with you grandparents that have Alzheimers.  You just keep talking, no one remembers anything, and I forget the rest of what I was going to say....
  • I'm aiming for Silver by Christmas. Festive, yes?




  • imagejorkz821:
    I'm aiming for Silver by Christmas. Festive, yes?

    Very festive, indeed! 

    As my signature says, my goal is to be silver by Halloween. But I just wanted an excuse to use the halloween ticker stuff! 

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • imagesofamonkey:

    <------ + 1 more to Platinum

    Isn't platinum 10,001 or 15,001? 


    Dude, she said +1 more to platinum.  It means she's closer.  lol

    Well, does this mean we lock this thread out tonight, I need to get closer to gold. 

    Man, those were funsies.  It was like a long conversation with you grandparents that have Alzheimers.  You just keep talking, no one remembers anything, and I forget the rest of what I was going to say....
    I know, right! I am up for it. Dh just brought me a big azz Bacardi a breezed and I'm ready to rumble. If only I could remember where I put my teeth. Tuna fish.
  • imagegimmietimmies:

    <------ + 1 more to Platinum

    Isn't platinum 10,001 or 15,001? 


    Dude, she said +1 more to platinum.  It means she's closer.  lol

    Well, does this mean we lock this thread out tonight, I need to get closer to gold. 

    Man, those were funsies.  It was like a long conversation with you grandparents that have Alzheimers.  You just keep talking, no one remembers anything, and I forget the rest of what I was going to say....
    I know, right! I am up for it. Dh just brought me a big azz Bacardi a breezed and I'm ready to rumble. If only I could remember where I put my teeth. Tuna fish.
    S/O teeth - my dear, sweet Grandmother (God rest her soul) loved to garden.  In her nursing home, people's dentures kept going missing.  They told us & the other patients to make sure their name was written in her teeth.  Teeth kept disappearing though. 

    One day, they saw my grandma in the garden doing some digging.  It turns out, she was the teeth thief &  she was burying them all in the garden.  They dug them all out & there were a LOT of dentures & partials.  LOLOL!!!!!

  • imagesofamonkey:

    <------ + 1 more to Platinum

    Isn't platinum 10,001 or 15,001? 


    Dude, she said +1 more to platinum.  It means she's closer.  lol

    Well, does this mean we lock this thread out tonight, I need to get closer to gold. 

    Man, those were funsies.  It was like a long conversation with you grandparents that have Alzheimers.  You just keep talking, no one remembers anything, and I forget the rest of what I was going to say....
    I know, right! I am up for it. Dh just brought me a big azz Bacardi a breezed and I'm ready to rumble. If only I could remember where I put my teeth. Tuna fish.
    S/O teeth - my dear, sweet Grandmother (God rest her soul) loved to garden.  In her nursing home, people's dentures kept going missing.  They told us & the other patients to make sure their name was written in her teeth.  Teeth kept disappearing though. 

    One day, they saw my grandma in the garden doing some digging.  It turns out, she was the teeth thief &  she was burying them all in the garden.  They dug them all out & there were a LOT of dentures & partials.  LOLOL!!!!!

    Buried treasure!! Love it! She's got it all wrong, there are no gold fillings in those. 

    Mine is just going senile and throwing racial slurs like crazy, it's embarrassing. When I'm her age, I want to be like Betty White, she rocks. I also realize I don't get a choice, but if I did, I would be her. 

  • Sofa is your grandma the tooth fairy??? Teeth thief! Awesome.
  • imageshanado:
    Sofa is your grandma the tooth fairy??? Teeth thief! Awesome.
    Ooooooh, good call. Did you see wings??


  • imagesofamonkey:
    And both my beasts are in bed asleep so my evening is definitely going well.
    Lolyshit.  I thought that said your bReasts are in bed asleep.  Whaaa?  LOL
    lol, I read it the same way.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • imageshanado:
    Sofa is your grandma the tooth fairy??? Teeth thief! Awesome.
    I guess so!  She's passed on now, bless her heart.  Man that woman was a character though!! 
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