What do you say to adults that say innapropriate comments?
Today when picking up DD from school a grandmother was waiting and playing with DS. We live in an area where there is a lot of middle eastern people, so it's pretty normal to see women in full ethnic dress. A woman wearing a black hijab was down the hall picking up from another area. The grandmother turned to my baby and said, "do you see that ghost? Most ghosts are white, but that one is black." My mouth dropped and nothing would come out... DS doesn't know what she said, but what if my DD had heard! She would definetly ask for an explanation of that comment!
i would have appropriately explained to DD in ear shot of ole' granny, but I was in shock!
Re: S/o innapropriate comments
I am fairly certain I'd have been not very polite. I'd have snatched my baby and hissed at her to keep her bigotry away from my child. Or I would have said "Hush, the baby has already been contracted in an arranged marriage with that woman's gay son."
I am a dramatic fool but my heart sinks thinking what if the woman's child was standing right there waiting to join her mother. Ugh.
ETA: When dealing with that kind of garbage with MIL, I try and reply in a harmless way but still conveys my disgust and humor seems to take the bill. Maybe the lady is old and times have changed, but if she wants to interact with humans in this day and age, she needs to not infringe on my right to raise a respectful child.
That would have been hilarious! I can never think of quick things until after the fact.
Do you watch glee? Reminds me abouth the teens making fun of the lunch lady and its one of the girl's mom.