I have only been doing CD since the end if August and only PT during the week but usually FT on the weekends.Anywho, I love buying diapers now!!! Just wanted to see how many others have. Right now I have 18 but will be getting 5 more in the mail soon. So what's your number?
Re: So...how many CDs do you have?
Too many!
I have 15 pockets, 4 WAHM fitteds and 26 prefolds (plus covers for the fitteds & PFs). The prefolds were kind of an accident. They were a good deal so I bought them with the intent of using them as burp cloths and on the changing table. Turns out I actually like them as diapers, which has saved me a ton of money. We CD full-time and I like having the flexibility of not absolutely needing to wash every other day (though I normally do).
BFP #2: 8.31.16 Dx w/ GD @ 28w DD Born @ 36w: 4.21.17
8 BG 4.0
2 BG Freetimes
6 Swaddlebees OS Simplex
5 Blueberry Deluxe
2 Kawaii
I want more swaddlebees and less BG but I am holding off for now! Plus DH and MIL will use the velcro ones and that is what the BG are.
30 prefolds
7 covers (5 flip, 1 GroVia, 1 custom made)
5 Pockets (alvababy)
6 hemp inserts
10 microfiber inserts
1 bamboo insert
We use the prefolds most of the time because we like how easy they are to get clean. The pockets are for overnight (with the hemp inserts) and special occassions (with the microfiber and/or bamboo).
Depending on how often you want to wash, I suggest at least 24 diapers. It's about enough to wash every other day, although we go every 3 days with our 30 prefolds.
So this is a bit embarrassing...
26 BG 4.0
8 BG Freetime
5 Alva
4 Kawaii GNHW
We won't mention the ones that are on the way...
--Formerly FamiliaGreen--
C&D-05.28.11 Noelle Marie-03.12.12
36 flats made of diaper flannel
2 Flips w/inserts
1 GroVia shell
3 Thirsties DuoWrap covers (2 snaps, Size 1; 1 hook and loop, Size 1)
2 X-Small Thirsties covers w/hook and loop
I also have two Bummis Super Snap diaper covers, NB size, that DS no longer wears. I'll have to buy more covers as DS grows, and right now I'm leaning toward the Thirsties DuoWraps. Maybe I'll like the Flips better once he's past the runny EBF poop stage.
Married Bio * BFP Charts
13 prefolds
2 pockets
5 covers
4 hemp inserts
I'm a CD rookie. Only been doing it for 2 weeks. But more is to come!
Reading everyone else's responses, I would say, I don't have enough. Great excuse to order more.
46 prefolds and 8 covers.
Oh boy, I'm pretty sure I have too many, but I can't help myself.
25 mother ease fitted with 4 of each size of cover and a dozen or so snap in doublers. These hold everything and are great for overnight.
12 tiny tot newborn size prefolds that I can still snappi or trifold in a flip cover, but they also get used as burp cloths. I'm thinking of getting a dozen gmd smalls too.
Speaking of flips, I have 5 covers and 3 stay dry liners and a pack of disposable liners for travel. I also use these over the prefolds.
4 small gdiapers with a dozen cloth inserts. These turned out to be a nice trim daytime diaper between the newborn and one size stages.
Because they came in a lot with two of the small gdipes, I also have 3 mediums.
6 BG pockets, 2 rumparooz pockets, and a BG elemental AIO.
Oh, and 12 KL0s and 12 BG XS AIOs that he's outgrown.
I'm thinking of selling some, but I would likely use the proceeds to get more.
Excluding NB diapers...
30 prefolds (24 cotton, 6 bamboo)
3 Flips covers + 1 stay dry insert (that I've not yet used)
2 Grovia covers
2 Imagine covers
1 MotherEase Airflow cover
4 AMP pockets with bamboo inserts
1 FB 1 size pocket
3 FB small pockets (very old)
2 BG pockets
1 Imagine pocket
1 Rumparooz pocket
2 Bamboozle fitteds
2 MotherEase Sandy's fitteds
1 Happy Hempy fitted (that I've not tried yet)
2 hemp doublers
6 snappis
2 small wetbags
1 large wetbag
6 fleece liners
I pretty much use the prefolds and covers all the time for day and fitteds with a liner at night. I sometimes use a pocket when I'm going to be out and about for longer periods of time. Overall, I probably spent close to $500 on all this (some used, some gifts). I can get away with laundry every 3-4, but I usually do it every day so they don't linger too long.
6 AIOs Lil Joeys
40 prefolds
5 covers
2 gDiaper shells
18 gDiaper cloth inserts
3 pockets made by me
So a final number, 106 I guess! Wowza
4 BG Freetimes
4 FB OS Elite
2 Rumparoozs
6 or 7 BG 4.0's
I still want more! I want to try Swaddlebees and Blueberries.
20 ish prefolds
7 covers
7 stay dry type inserts
12 pockets, 2 aios
5 fitteds, 3 fleece covers, a wool cover, some homemade longies
A bunch of miscellaneous hemp inserts, doublers, prefolds
I have a problem....
And a secret mini stash of tiny fluff for an as yet unconcieved baby.
Bigger Baby = 34 (with 10 on the way)
Applecheeks, Rumparooz, BG Elementals, BG Freetime, BG 4.0, Charlie Banana OS pockets, Tots Bots Easy Fit (new and old), Grovia AIO, Omaiki AIO, Omaiki pockets, Omaiki minky, Swaddlebees Simplex AIO, Thirsties cover, Old School Cool fitted, Goodmama fitted, Bububebe fitted, Bububebe AIO hidden PUL, Gabby Wren Pocket, Gabby Wren Hybrid Pocket, Ragababe AIO, Ragababe Organic 2-Step, Fuzzibunz Perfect Size
Newborn (for the next baby, didn't CD right away with DD) = 9 (3 on the way, 24 on my to get list)
Fuzzibunz XS, Lil Joey Rumparooz, Grovia, Gabby Wren AIO PUL, Gabby Wren AIO hybrid, Bububebe fitted, Ragababe AIO newborn, Ragababe Organic 2-step 0
I love diapers!
24 bummis prefolds w/ 6 super brite covers <-- this is what we use on a daily basis
12 flats
25 kushie AIO newborn size
25 kushie AIO infant size
15 kushie AIO toddler size
I`m going to sell or donate the Kushies. They are cute and super easy, and would do well with a chubbier baby, but they don't work well with my super skinny girl and her stick legs.
I love my Bummis prefolds and covers and will probably get a few more for emergencies and for a diaper bag stash. I would like to see if I can find an AIO that works for my girl as well, but I'm not in a rush.
In rotation:
34 pockets AIOs
4 fitteds
4 covers
36 prefolds
2 wool soakers
1 fleece soaker
1 pair of wool longies
We rarely use the prefolds and fitteds are only for overnight.
I have another 20 0S fitteds that I need to destash since we aren't using them, plus 1 AIO and 1 pocket that fits wonky.
And I still want more! Yep, I'm an addict..
1 Kawaii overnight
5 good mama and swaddle bee
30 prefolds
10 covers
3 wool longies
I also have two newborn covers and 12 little prefolds along with 6 small gdiapers and gcloth that we used when DD was tiny. Looking at all this, perhaps I have a CD problem : the good news is that over half my stash was bought used other than all of the alva pockets and gdiapers.
LOL...this is me...
We have 12 newborn and 12 infant prefolds with 5 covers for those.
6 Flip covers which we use with disposable inserts when traveling
2 Charlie Bananas
2 Fitteds (don't remember brand)
1 wool cover
6 Bumkins AIOs, 1 bumkins pocket
11 Thirsties aios
3 ones and twos aios
2 swaddlebees simplex
1 blueberry pocket
1 Kawaii pocket
1 BG pocket
5 hemp inserts, various MF inserts
I have the intent to buy more Swaddlebees bc those snaps are easiest for grandma, and I just ordered I think 10 alvababys bc I loved some of the prints, though right now we only use his pockets for nighttime with a hemp and MF insert
We wash every other day, but I always have a couple clean in the diaper bags and a few left until everything's dry. I prefer the Thirsties aios and swaddlebees. Grandma prefers the swaddlebees. The ones and twos have velcro closures so are easiest for "newbies" that watch LO.
21 pockets + half a dozen prefolds & 2 covers
We started when my daughter was about 6 months and this is plenty for us
We have:
- a dozen Imagine Smartfit small size prefolds
- a dozen Flip Stay-Dry inserts
- 4 Target flour-sack towel flats
- 10 Flip covers
- 6 BG Elementals
This is WAY more than enough, and I wash every other day. I will only be able to tri-fold the small prefolds so much longer, then I will be investing in some GMD flats and maybe some hemp or cloth-ease doublers as well.
Boy after reading PPs...... I am thinking I have a ton of pockets and no variety! I have 30 OS pockets and 10 newborn AIOs..... and I will secretly be getting more OS pockets in girl prints if one or both of the twins are girls and I will be buying many more Lil' Joey's AIOs for the twins..... since I am guessing they will be small.
EDIT: for clarification
a bit embarrassed at how many i have ended up with!
14 AIOs
9 pockets
7 wraps
9 fitteds
3 prefolds
11 AI2s / 26 inserts
7 newborn diapers / 3 newborn prefolds