We're using BG 4.0 and I'm ebf'ing our 5 week old. Washing the diapers couldn't be easier! I'm wondering about the future though when we start feeding cereal and solids. What is your washing routine then?
We'll be starting daycare at 12 weeks and they are open to cloth diapers. I'll instruct them to just toss diapers in the bag I'll provide. But once we introduce solids, will daycare need to rinse out poop right away? No one else uses cloth there, so I want to make it easy for them. Plus, I don't think there is even an place in the changing area to rinse a diaper.
Re: poopy diapers
Get a diaper sprayer or use a dunk/swish/scrape method to get poop off. You don't need to change your washing routine, you just need to get the poop off before you throw the dirty CD into the pail/wet bag.
For daycare - you can just have them throw the dirty CD, poop and all, into the wet bag and then deal with it once you get home.