Pre-School and Daycare

Tips for encouraging her to go #2 in potty?

Our dd just turned 3 and has been going #1 on the potty for a few months now.  She stays dry at night, too.  The first two times she went on the potty, she actually pooped, but she hasn't pooped on the potty since then.

What can I do to encourage her?  Should I use incentives? 

Open to suggestions - thank you!

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Re: Tips for encouraging her to go #2 in potty?

  • M&Ms, it worked like a charm for both my kids.
  • Thank you for the idea :)
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  • I ended up bribing DS with cookies bc it is something that he never normally gets. I bought a package of mini cookies and told him he'd get one every time he pooped in the potty. It still took him a couple of days but once he got the hang of it we were having lots of "poop cookies"!!! Lol. After a week or so he stopped asking for the cookie and we never looked back! :
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • DS was great at being potty trained for pee but he would always poop in his pull up at nap and night time. He had pooped on the potty so I know he wasn't affraid he just always did it at nap and night time even before being potty trained. We used stickers as an incentive. I was going to do a sticker chart and earn something but he was totally motivated by the sticker only. He would get the sticker if he had no poop in the pull up, He has done great and I don't think he has pooped except for once in the pull up and he did not get a sticker that time. I have also stopped asking if he wants his sticker and he stopped noticiing he wasn't getting a sticker after a few weeks so it phased out on his own. We are also to the point where he no longer wears a pull up at nap. I am scared to pull the trigger on bed time but it is close too.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We used Skittles - 1 for pee and 5 for poop with my younger DD who was very against pooping in the potty - she started pee training at 16 months but was not fully potty trained until around her 3rd birthday.  Nothing I did was going to get her to poop in the potty and we tried undies a few times between her 2nd and 3rd birthday and due to the poop accidents, went to pull-ups as the mess was not worth it and with a pull-up, she could still go pee on the potty on her own (which she did most of the time).  She didn't night train until close to 4 so was sleeping in a diaper and then a pull-up as she was moving closer to 4 and dry about 50/50 of the time at night.  The whole poop thing just sort of clicked at some point a few weeks before her 3rd birthday - she was finally ready.  One thing to note - some kids (my younger DD for sure) used potty training as a huge power thing so if I pushed her at all - she would not use the potty.  I found that when I didn't make a big deal about accidents or even using the potty, she wanted to do it more.
    Jenni Mom to DD#1 - 6-16-06 DD#2 - 3-13-08 
  • Thanks, everyone.

     jlw2505 - I wonder if I've made too big a deal out of it?  Thanks for the advice :)

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