My dad brought up a point that has recently gotten to me. Out last name is short, German, and choppy; similar to Krug or Klum.
When I mentioned a few names I like (i.e. Eloise), my dad said that we need something with a hard consonant sound to go with our last name. As some of you know, we're also considering Greta, which obviously meets this criteria.
So, does something like Eloise Krug sound bad? Does something like Greta Krug sound a zillion times better? I'm preferential to vowels . Do you think we'd need to go with a hard consonant on the first name?
Re: Does my Dad have a point? re: first-last name agreement
I don't think so.
I actually think Eloise Klum sounds great! I may be biased by the fact that I love Eloise, though. Greta is great too--you can't go wrong, but I don't think you need to take the hard consonant thing into account.
And I love that you talk about this in depth with your dad!
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
Haha, yes. My Dad has strong opinions on names; some I agree with, some I don't. ;
When I said, "Greta Krug," out loud, I automatically did it in the mocking German tone from Juno (when she meets with the lawyer). It's very strongly German (not bad, flaunt your heritage), but it's a clunky name from all of the strong consonants.
I vote for Eloise. It's soft and feminine, which balances out your "harsh" last name.
Yay!! I'm glad you all think it doesn't matter that much.
Although, it's making me wish I could've convinced Dh to take my maiden name instead.