Baby Names

Name Opinion (Girl)

My husband and I now like Ashlyn Marie.....thoughts?
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Re: Name Opinion (Girl)

  • Not a fan of Ashlyn, unless spelled Aislinn. I think you can do better.

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  • imageJoy2611:

    I really don't like Ashlyn.  Even behindthename says it's a smooth of Ashley and Lynn.  I'm kinda big on history of names and not so much on modern made-ups.  That being said, if you're Irish and going for Aislin, I'd like it a bit more.


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  • I also know an Ashling. I don't mind it, even though I'm sure there's a better and more authentic spelling.
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  • I don't care for it.  But if you and your DH both like it then go for it.
  • It sounds juvenile to me.
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  • i like marie

    not ashlynn

    i do not like any name with ASH in it...not pretty

  • I find it smooshy, trendylynn, and overall unappealing.

    Even though I know Aisling is legit, I can't get into it, either.

    Sorry to be a downer. Do you have other names that you're considering?

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  • My name's Ashley and on principle I've always disliked Ashlyn(n).
  • I like the original Irish version, Aisling.
  • imageKimbus22:

    Not a fan of Ashlyn, unless spelled Aislinn. I think you can do better.

    Wait, those are supposed to be the same name?&nbsp; My friend has an Aislinn and it's pronounced Ayes-Lynn like it rhymes with Days Inn.&nbsp; Ashlyn sounds completely different to me.

    That said, I'm not a fan.

    Yup, Aisling or Aislinn is an Irish name that's pronounced Ashling or Ashlyn. My guess would be your friend saw it somewhere and didn't know the correct pronunciation so just went with English phonetic, but it's not an English name.

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  • imageKimbus22:

    Not a fan of Ashlyn, unless spelled Aislinn. I think you can do better.

    Wait, those are supposed to be the same name?  My friend has an Aislinn and it's pronounced Ayes-Lynn like it rhymes with Days Inn.  Ashlyn sounds completely different to me.

    That said, I'm not a fan.



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  • I don't think Ashlyn is as horrible as everyone is saying.. but I like Ashley better. Good luck!
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