I haven't gone to a doctor yet, but I think I need to. I can't seem to relax and the smallest things set off huge reactions and I have a hard time calming down. I also don't like the idea of having to go on medication. But it's gotten to the point where I have to admit that I may need to take something. Has anyone else dealt with this?
Re: has anyone here been diagnosed with panic disorder?
Do you think it's seriously affecting your life? If so, it's worth at least talking to someone amd weighing the pros and cons of meds or other options. GL!
Yes to all of this. I have a drug/therapist combo that has helped me quite a bit with my PPD and PPA. I hope you start to feel better soon!
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I think I've an anxiety issue for as long as I can remember, but I'd been dealing with it fine without medicine. Recently, though, I had some health issues that caused it to get out of control. I wasn't sleeping well, eating well, and I could feel myself getting really anxious/worked up over normal everyday things that shouldn't bother me. So, I went to the doctor. They put me on an antidepressant - the generic form of Celexa. It made me feel horrible, and my anxiety got worse. I suffered through that for like 3 weeks before I went back to try something else.
The doctor then put me on .25mg of Alprazolam (Xanax) 2 times a day. I take a whole pill before I go to bed. A lot of my anxiety would happen while I was sleeping. I would wake up at like 3:00am and not be able to go back to sleep because I was so anxious. Once I'm up for the day, I take a half a pill (.125mg). I'm supposed to save the other half of the pill for "if I need it" during the day.
It has made a world of difference. Other than my anxiety being greatly reduced and feeling better overall, I don't feel any side effects from taking the medicine. I've even skipped taking it a few times at night when I didn't want to mix it with Nyquil, and I've been fine -- I didn't know if it would react, so I just played it safe.
Thanks for all the input ladies. I started having panic attacks last year around this time, but I had learned to manage them for a long time. But recently, it's been harder to calm myself because Z never stops long enough to give me a chance really. I just feel so overwhelmed sometimes. I am glad to see that I'm not alone in dealing with this.
And I think my problem with medication is what MrsCodeMonkey. I'm afraid of the side effects of medications. I don't want to feel not like myself and I worry about actual negative side effects of any drugs I take. I worked in a pharmacy and seeing all the drugs that I used to sell with class action lawsuits about bad side effects has made me really nervous about taking something.