
Cradle Cap

What's your best suggestions for getting rid of cradle cap. Both my girls have a mild cradle cap and i've been able to get rid of little by little with using baby oil and combing their head. Any quicker solutions?
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Re: Cradle Cap

  • My pedi suggested olive oil.  I used to put it on DS's head about 30 minutes before bath time and let him play on a towel so he didn't get oil on the carpet or blankets.  After it soaked in a little, I would use a fine toothed comb on it before bath and then wash with a gentle shampoo and comb again.  I can't remember how long it took to get rid of it, but I don't remember doing the whole process that many times.  
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  • I've read that breastmilk can help.
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  • My pedi had me use Selsum Blue with a baby toothbrush. I would put just a dab of Selsum blue on the baby toothbrush and they apply it to their heads using a circular motion. Then I would let it sit on the head for about 2 minutes and then rinse it off. It would go away and not come back for months. My one girl had cradle cap on and off for the whole first year, but she tends to have more skin and scalp issues like I did as a baby. This method worked really well to get rid of it fast.
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  • Cradle cap = seborrheic dermatitis. Neutrogena T-Sal shampoo treats seborrheic dermatitis. I had been using it on myself for scalp buildup, so we had some, and when I saw that on the label, we (my hubby is a pedi) decided to try it on our girl with bad cradle cap. We had to be extra careful not to get it in her eyes, as it's not tear-free, but it worked great on the cradle cap. We just massage it into her scalp at the start of the bath, leave it on, and then rinse it at the very end. Also, I have a soft bristled brush that I use on her in circular motions to get some of the scales loose. She actually seems to love the way it feels.


    Etta Jane and Claire Elaine are here! Born March 28, 2012.

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