So my LO is 3 and has been potty trained since earlier this year. There have been allot of changes this year for her and despite them, she's tolerated them all really well. Last week however, I lost my job and now her and I are home on a full time basis. Which she has been asking to happen for weeks now. Suddenly she won't go in the potty anymore. I'm going through laundry like it's going out of style. She'll poo in her underwear and not tell me about it. Which causes a pretty painful rash. I try to explain to her that she HAS to go in the potty, or else her bottom is gonna hurt. She says she understands and we praise her to all Holy Heaven when she does go in the potty, but I feel like we're starting all over again. She does wear a PullUp at night, and most of the time will wake up dry at nap time. I don't want to discipline her for having an accident, but on the other side of that, I know she KNOWS where to go. She's been doing it for months. Any advice is more than welcomed. I am out of ideas.
Re: Potty Training Blues - Any advice is welcomed!!