Just curious if there are any of you who are/have been servers while pregnant.
I am now 33w4d and still serving about 30-40 hrs/wk. Not much has really changed, I am still on my feet for the majority of my shift, still carrying trays, cleaning floors, etc. After a 10+ hour day of course my feet are throbbing - like any server's would be. Also the late hours are starting to catch up with me. I just don't know how much longer I can do it for.
Wondering if you have been a server when did you take time off? I've heard both people taking time off starting at about 24w to serving right up until their due dates!
Re: Serving while pregnant?
My cousin did banquet waitressing when she was pregnant with her two oldest. With the first one, she stopped at around 30 weeks because her doctor told her to, and her company counted it as disability pay so it didn't dig into her maternity leave time. With her second, she stopped a few weeks before her due date, because she wasn't planning to go back.
I think it depends on how you feel, how your employer handles this sort of situation/ your financial needs at the moment, and what your doctor thinks.
A friend of mine waited tables until the night her water broke, which was two or three days after her due date, I have a desk job and I was working more or less half days the last two weeks of my pregnancy (I was one week late).
Can you ask your manager if you could sit down a little more? Or maybe a table busser could help you carry trays? Talk to your doctor/midwife about it, if its a danger to the baby at any point, obviously you need to slow down or be excused from work until baby arrives safe and sound.
I am a nurse working 12 hr shifts, am taking off 2 weeks before my scheduled CS
I'm not, but one of my close friends served while she was pregnant. She started her leave time at 35 weeks. She had an emergency c-section at apx. 39 weeks (for medical reasons unrelated to serving) and her doctor told her that her recovery would be easier and faster because her body was used to exercise from serving.
She said that it really helped to to use Dr. Scholls inserts. She also had a problem with the skin on her feet getting really dry and cracking when they swelled up and she used Aquaphor for that. She said she'd rub a thin layer on her feet before she went to work. She also said that she'd wear nursing pads EVERY shift. She only leaked a little colostrum, but she was always concerned that she'd have a major leak and the customer would complain/leave a bad tip. And her most important advice was that no matter how busy she was if she had to go to the bathroom she went right away.
I'm 37 weeks tomorrow and I've now stopped working. My last shift was last week. I was exhausted at the end of my shifts. My feet and back hurt so bad at the end of the day.
Some suggestions, wear a belly brace..I've seen them at babies r us. Support stockings will help too. Plus, comfortable shoes with gel inserts.