I went ahead and created the new group. I know some of you were hesitant or just didn't want to do it. It is a completely secret group. It is not searchable and cannot be joined unless a member adds you.
I have a lot of you on my FB already. If you are interested please let me know so I can add you to the group. I have already added some. Those of you that are not on my FB and want to join PM me your name on FB and I will figure out how to add you.
I fully plan to post to this board still. But we have lost so many people to the new mobile format, I think it would be great if they had a place to post and have the same support as we do here.
Here is the link. Not sure if you can even see it or not.
ETA: had to add link.
Re: FB Group
Can I be honest and dumb here?
First, I'm super hesitant to join something that would reveal my real name to a bunch of people I don't know IRL and haven't met face to face. I'm not thinking of anyone in particular but I guess I'm paranoid that someone has been putting on this awesome facade the last 2 years and isn't who we all think they are. I feel ridiculous for that, btw...lol. I also feel ridiculous because I'm not sure ppl even care if I'm around or not.
Second, how exactly does this group work? It's private so everyone else on my FB wouldn't see my activity in it? Would other group members be able to see my profile if we're not friends even though my privacy settings are really high? Is it like a forum where people post a thread and then there are replies or is it just one giant wall of randomness, maybe both?
A secret group means all your activity in the group is blocked from being seen on your wall by anyone not in the group. You can see it but no one else can. If you are not FB friends with people in the group they cannot see your profile or any of your pics other then your current profile pic and name.
Sorry I had to step away for a few mins. The group is completely private. No one on you FB wall would see any of your posts (people you know IRL). Nor could any of us see any of your private information on FB. We could only see what you have made public. It actually looks just like your FB feed but just in a group. Only members of that group can see what you post.
add me as a friend here
Then I can add you to the group
I have added so many people today. Did you get added? I don't recall a message from you.
Just sent you a PM - please add me!