My sister is giving me a baby shower which is great. I tried to tell her that if she wanted to give me a baby shower it really should be in my 2nd trimester. Well now they are having it at the end of Sept. My mom is giving me a fit because she prefers Oct because its easier for her. She is very religious and says " oh don't speak that you will go into labor early.. and it won't happen.." I am speechless because she is also a nurse. I feel like no one understands me because I am the only one in my family with twins. It is getting very frustrating.
Re: MoM to be woahs and baby showers
That is frustrating and hopefully you won't deliver them early but with twins, it's a coin toss!
I'm sorry she's not "hearing" you. Look at it this way, she and your sister will just have to be the ones dealing with changing all the shower plans if you do happen to have them early. It's not like you didn't give them fair warning!
Me: 32 - Stage II Endo / DH: 36 - Low count and morphology (1%)
IUIs 1-3 BFN, lap Dec. 2010, IUIs 4-6 BFN
IVF w/ICSI #1 - ER 2/8: 24R 19M 9F ET 2/13 2-5 day blasts (no frosties) = BFP - b/g twins!
E & C Born 10/19/2012
I feel like I could have wrote this. It is very frustrating and I find myself now not even wanting to talk to my mom about anything because she doesn't get it. Neither does my sister, who is pregnant with one and due the same time.
The weekend my mom picked for my shower I would have been something like 35 weeks (!!!). I told her that I was worried that was way too late so the next date she picked was 31 weeks. There was a thread on this board a few months back where somebody did a poll about when MoMs had their showers and I believe the most common time was somewhere around 28 weeks. A lot of people either responded that they were "sooooo glad" their shower was early because they were either on bed rest, their babies were born, or they were just too exhausted after that, or they responded that their shower was scheduled later on and it was either very difficult for them or cancelled. I actually emailed the link for that thread to my mom and she made the shower date for this weekend, at which point I'll be 27 weeks. Maybe you can try to find that post and send it to your mom? It was actually helpful not just for the shower but for her being more understanding in general that a twin pregnancy is very different from a singleton and I am legitimately that tired and not just being a wimp.
My shower was at 28 weeks, the day AFTER I was placed on bed rest. Fortunately my dr let me attend, but I had to sit the entire time.
I agree with PP, let them throw it when they want, they'll have to change plans. My dr also told me that she's seen several showers brought to the pregnant patient in the hospital.
The only thing I would bring up to your mom is that you would like to have more time before the babies arrive to prepare - finish buying things from your registry and get everything put together.
Good luck
Stick to your guns! Show your mom some of the stats about twins (one of my books says that the average twin delivery occurs around 35 weeks).
Everyone thought I was crazy when I asked to have the shower early at 26 weeks. Well, as it turns out, I was already on modified bedrest by then! I still made it there, but just barely. October would be pretty late for you!