April 2012 Moms

Stop pumping advice?

I have already cut down to three pumps a day and am hoping to stop completely by the end of the month. Any advice or words of encouragement?


Re: Stop pumping advice?

  • I'm thinking of doing the same. It's just too much effort for too little yield for me. I'm pumping about 3 times a day now. I will probably cut back to just once before work, and once before bed. Then eventually quit cold turkey. I've heard you have to be careful with mastisis, but I'm producing so little now, I doubt that would be a problem. Good luck....and great job making it this far!
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  • There is a "no more milk" tea to help with drying up. Cabbage in the bra can help with engorgement.
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  • With DS I weaned from the pump over a month. I was pumping 3 x day and slowly weaned to nothing. I went from the Symphony to the hand pump that last month and that helped a lot. By the last day I was pumping every 36 hours. I had mastitis 5 times with DS, hence the slow wean.
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    Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11! Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
    K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
    "If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."
  • Thanks everyone!  My supply is getting worse now that I am back at work and hope this is an easy transition.  I have been worried about mastitis, but since my supply is so small I might be okay.


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