Is my hair greaseballing lately or is it my shampoo/conditioner? I was using EO lavender for a long time (and while preggo) and it was great. Cleaned my hair, less chemical crap in it, smelled amazing - good stuff. Then I ran out and they didn't have the lavender at Whole Paycheck so I got EO coconut shampoo + conditioner. I've been using it for a month or two and HOLY CRAP every time I straighten my hair (which is rare these days) it looks like someone spilled grease all over my head. It literally looks like I haven't washed my hair in weeks. I JUST washed and conditioned it. Shampooed twice and straightened and it looks awful. Is it my hair or the shampoo? I need to do a test w/ hubby's shampoo and find out. I am actually thinking its postpartum weirdness. What do you guys think?
Re: Greasy hair - is it pp weirdness or my shampoo?
Im saying it could be PP weirdness. I am dealing with it too. I used to go 2-3 days without washing my hair.... Now I wash it everyday. EVERYDAY.
And Ive tried other shampoos. Cheap Shampoos. Expensive Shampoos.... Bah.