How trendy or dated were your parents names?
Go to this link:
And put in your parents' name. I always do a span of all 132 years it's available. There used to be a function where you could put in the actual years but now you can't. Anyway, look at the 10 years before your parent's birth and 10 years after. Where's it at now? What year did it first emerge? The final verdict: is it classic or trendy?
Re: Let's play a game!
My mom is Lynn, born in 1954. Her name was #63 that year. It is off the charts currently, last appearing in 1996. It was most popular in 1956 (58).
My dad is Stanley, born in 1947. It was #67 then, and is currently #674. It was most popular in 1915-1917 (34)
They've both been on the charts since 1880, so I would say classic.
Alright, I'll play.
My mom's name is Anita. It was 99 the year she was born, 97 10 years previous and 87 10 years after. It is currently not on the charts. It was 904 back in 2004.
My dad's name is Marc. It was 175 the year he was born, 688 10 years previous and 143 10 years after. It is currently 574.
I would say my dad's name is classic, although most people spell it with a K instead of a C (from what I've seen, you're either French or Jewish if you spell it with a C).
I'd say my mom's was trendy at the time. The only Anita's I know now are foreign.
Mother: Cheryl
YOB: 1965, ranked 31
10 years prior: 19
10 years later: 97
Emerged: 1931, 998
2011: not in 1,000. Last appeared in 1997.
Final verdict: dated. It rose pretty quickly after it emerged and fell pretty fast too. But it remained popular for about 40 years so it is marked to a certain generation but lasted longer than trendy names do.
Father: Jeffrey
YOB: 1967, 13
10 years prior: 21
10 years later: 19
Emerged: first ranked in 1934 at 925
2011: 246
Final verdict: Fairly classic. Sure it doesn't have a 100 year history but it's been above 300 since 1939. I think it suits someone my brother's age just as much as my father's age (good too since it is my brother's name as well!). It had the potential to be trendy though, because it rose really fast in the first few years that it ranked. I think that's pretty interesting.
My mom's name, Deanna, peeked in the 70's. When she was born, it wasn't really trendy but it was one people definitely knew. Now it's almost completely forgotten about.
My dad's name, Gary, was #9 the year he born - popular as heck. Now it's in the 400's, which actually isn't as bad as I thought it would be.
My dad is also Gary. It peaked in 1954 at #9 and was #13 when he was born 2 years later. So, definitely trendy.
My mom has an Italian name, Silvana, which has never made the SSA list.
Daughter born at 34 weeks due to PPROM, July 2012
Expecting baby #2, May 8, 2015
May 2015 signature challenge for January: "You had ONE job!"
Mother: Helen
YOB: 1939, #16
10 years before: #4
10 years after: #46
Currently: #427
I think her name is a classic that was more popular around the time she was born. It has never been out of the top #500.
Father: Melvin
YOB: 1937, #50
10 years before: #48
10 years after : #85
It left the top 100 in 1955 and has been steadily declining to #622 in 2011. Its highest ranking was #47. I think his name is a traditional name that was trendy at the begining of the last century and has since fallen out of favor.
Both names still in top 1000!
My dad's name is classic. David was #2 the year he was born, #6 ten years prior, and #3 ten years later. It has been in the top 20 almost the entire time records have been kept, with a few years where it fell to the low 30s. It's currently #18.
My mom's name, JoAnne, debuted on the list in 1907. It was #71 the year she was born, #49 ten years prior, and #197 ten years later. It spent 30 years in the top 100, and is currently #984. Her name definitely is more trendy than my dad's, but it still seems somewhat classic. It's kind of in between IMO.
My dad's name (Kevin) was pretty popular for his birth year at #20. It remained around that level of popularity for 10 years after, though in the previous 10 years it had jumped up 100 spots. It's still in the top 100 at #67, and I consider this to be a classic name.
My mom (Christine) was also in the top 100 at #43. Strangely, it was actually more popular 10 years before her birth (#30) and 10 years after (#14). Now it is #731, which is pretty surprising to me. I also consider this to be a classic name.
12/1999: Dx with Endometriosis (age 12)
5/2001: Ruptured appendix, massive scar tissue
6/2005:Dx with Interstitial Cystitis
9/2005: Gall bladder removed due to problems from cysts
7/2006: Officially Dx with Fibromyalgia (age 18)
2/2010: Partial left ovarian torsion
10/2012: SA = Low Motility
11/2012: Surgery #5 to remove scar tissue & paratubal cyst
HSG: Right tube blocked; unable to clear
Yea! Another Anita!
Year of their birth:
Mom was #7, Dad was #20 (but an alternate spelling was #11)
Ten years before:
Mom was #2 (and was at #2 for 8 years, had been top 150 back to 1880), Dad was #28 (but had been top 100 all the way back to 1880)
Ten years after:
Mom was #25 (and losing popularity... is now in the mid 700s), Dad was #29 (seems to be losing popularity, is now in the low 200s)
Soooo I'd say they were both classic, but are going out of style. Neither of them has had any other peaks since being #2 and #19 (Dad's name peaked 5 years before his birth).
Both my parents names were in the top 50 when they were born. My Dad's name is pretty out dated now. You rarely hear it now. My mother's name is a classic name that has been in the top 50 for the last 50 years. In fact it is DD2''s mn.
Dad: David.
Year he was born: #5
10 years before: #6
10 years after: #2
Now: #18
It's always been extremely popular, so I would consider this a classic. Looks like it did peak in 1960 and it's been very slowly falling but it's been in the top 30 for the last 100 years.
Mom: Cynthia.
Year she was born: #7
10 years before: #33
10 years after: #18
Now: #430
It went up and peaked the year my mom was born and has been declining ever since. I would consider this a trendy name.