Hi MoMs! I am new to the board but wanted to get your input on something (and kinda rant a little lol). I am 21 weeks with twins and am a high-school Spanish teacher. My plan was to teach until Christmas break (I'd be almost 35 weeks), b/c I'd been feeling great so far, but since coming back to school it's like I hit a wall. I am completely exhausted all the time, have already caught a cold being around all the germs again, and have been getting dizzy spells if I stand too long. Also, I've started getting some lovely Braxton-Hicks contractions already (which I know is normal to get them that early w/ twins, but it's still kinda concerning that I can't just lie down and rest when I need to). So far the babies are doing well (they are mono/di twins that have been getting monitored for a growth discordance....but as of the last u/s they have gone from 20% to 13% different, which is good news!) and I am technically OK (no cervix shortening or thinning) but I am concerned about the distress signals my body seems to be sending.....I guess I just didn't realize how physically demanding my job was (as well as stressful and work-intensive....have 2 new classes this year, including an AP class). So, to make a long story short, I now have a dilemma about when to stop. I was thinking I'd try to hang in there until the end of the 1st quarter (I'd be 26 weeks by then), but my family is pressuring me to quit sooner than that. I really don't want to leave suddenly if it isn't a total emergency.....but, on the other hand, I don't want to force an emergency just to give myself a break. I have a tendency to push myself until I fall down, but now I have to think about more than just myself.....so I dunno. My doctor says it's up to me, but to say the word when I "can't stand it anymore" and he'll write me a note....I just don't know if I should "tough it out" another month or wimp out now, heheh. Anyone been in a similar boat?
Re: When to stop teaching?
I'm also a teacher (8th grade at a KIPP school - so super long hours!) and I don't really have any advice for you but I definitely feel like I'm wrestling with the same questions.
Are you needing to consider # of maternity leave weeks or anything like that? If you don't really need to worry about the timing (i.e. you're leaving your job completely, instead of taking your FMLA leave with the intention of returning after), I would say err on the side of taking it easy when you feel like you need to (not wait until you can't stand it or until they're born). However, if your doctor thinks it's safe for you to continue and there aren't any complications or medical problems, then it sounds to me like you probably can be a little flexible. To be honest, aside from the physical demands of teaching (many hours on your feet, stressful interactions w/ students) I'd say the stress is probably even more of a concern. Take care of yourself! My OB says healthy mama = healthy babies, which I repeat to myself constantly when deciding whether to stay up late grading papers.
Good luck!
I am TOTALLY in a similar boat. I teach middle school English, and while I've been able to do the majority of my teaching sitting down, the long days and stress are definitely wearing me out. At the same time, I'm also stressed about having a sub in there for my kids for any longer than needed. I've done thorough lesson planning, but I know that the best teacher for my classroom and my curriculum is me, and I think it might hurt even worse to be at home doing nothing while my students suffer. But the bigger and more uncomfortable I get, the more selfish I have to become. I didn't go on a field trip on Friday and stayed back to do desk work.
My doctor isn't nearly as nice as yours, so idk that going on leave now would even be an option, but until I have a reason, I think I'm going to stay at least for the time being. It's exhausting, but we have a number of 4 day weeks coming up and my boss is very understanding about the fact that I'm not at physical full strength. That being said, I can't foresee a world in which I'm still at work in November. It could happen, but I doubt it.
Lost our first little peanut on 1/17/2012 at 9 weeks and 5 days. We miss you little blessing, but we know you were too perfect for this world.
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