June 2011 Moms

Any pregnant moms still BF?

Crunchymamma's post below made me start worrying about my supply dropping now that I'm expecting. DD is 14 months and still nurses 3x/day. I was hoping to let her self wean, perhaps by 18 months.

I was wondering if any mammas have successfully BF while pregnant or if they ran into supply issues.

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Re: Any pregnant moms still BF?

  • I am in the process of weaning while PG. I just cut out the midday nurse, so we're down to 2x/day. When I got a BFP, she was nursing practically all day, 6x or more, mostly just comfort nursing. She is really not happy about weaning (and neither am I), but I don't want to tandem nurse and my nips are sensitive enough that its unpleasant. I have not really had supply issues though. 

  • We are still BFing. She nurses 3-4 times a day. I wanted her to self wean but she. shows no signs of slowing down so I will probably wean her in the next few months.
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  • i continued nursing dd1 through the first six months of my pregnancy with dd2.  i did run into supply issues, but she was old enough that it wasn't a big concern; she was getting nutrition from other sources.
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  • Ahh...I am jealous of those of you who can do both. I am still nursing and haven't had a pp AF. We want to TTC, so it looks like we'll be weaning soon. 
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  • DD was still nursing 6-8x/day when I got PG at 9 months. I didn't have any issues with supply at all but I did start weaning at the end of 1st tri due to exhaustion. We slowly worked out way down until I weaned her off the final session when I was 5 months PG because I don't want to tandem nurse and wanted DD to have plenty of time to (hopefully) forget and not want to start again when the newb comes. The best advice I was given to keep going as long as possible was to drink lots and lots of extra water, to eat whenever I was hungry, and to relax as much as possible - both in regards to physical activity and to stress about supply issues (I basically was told to just enjoy it as much as I could for as long as I could). And it never seemed like I didn't have enough milk. GL momma!
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  • I had a huge supply drop at three months and ended up weaning when I was four months along.  I think that J would have nursed much longer and I feel bad for not being able to continue but I am proud that we made it a year.  I probably could have started power pumping or taking supplements but I was so worn out from the pregnancy that it seemed like the right time to stop.

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  • I had a huge supply drop almost immediately. I BF until about 7 weeks, then the dr put me on pelvic rest due to a bleed I was having. It was really hard emotionally for me to give up BF, but DS didn't seem to care. my boobs didn't seem to care either probably due to the huge supply drop. so the goods news was that the physical part of weaning was super easy. I've heard of some woman able to BF well into the second tri.

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  • We still BF a.m. and p.m. but I am starting to notice that I am def not making as much milk.
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  • I BF before naps (2), bed and sometimes in the morning. I night weaned her in an attempt to get more sleep...looks like it's helping yayy!!!

    I had a super supply before my BFP, I still hadn't properly regulated at 11 months so was doomed to wear breast pads until a few months into my pregnancy. DD is still getting milk, I can tell because she drools it out sometimes :)

    I'm planning on going as long as I can and I'm willing to tandem nurse if DD wants to. We'll see how it goes because I'm sure I'm going to be getting my colostrum in soon. 

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