Crunchymamma's post below made me start worrying about my supply dropping now that I'm expecting. DD is 14 months and still nurses 3x/day. I was hoping to let her self wean, perhaps by 18 months.
I was wondering if any mammas have successfully BF while pregnant or if they ran into supply issues.
Re: Any pregnant moms still BF?
I am in the process of weaning while PG. I just cut out the midday nurse, so we're down to 2x/day. When I got a BFP, she was nursing practically all day, 6x or more, mostly just comfort nursing. She is really not happy about weaning (and neither am I), but I don't want to tandem nurse and my nips are sensitive enough that its unpleasant. I have not really had supply issues though.
I had a huge supply drop at three months and ended up weaning when I was four months along. I think that J would have nursed much longer and I feel bad for not being able to continue but I am proud that we made it a year. I probably could have started power pumping or taking supplements but I was so worn out from the pregnancy that it seemed like the right time to stop.
My two boys are getting a surprise May 2015!
I BF before naps (2), bed and sometimes in the morning. I night weaned her in an attempt to get more sleep...looks like it's helping yayy!!!
I had a super supply before my BFP, I still hadn't properly regulated at 11 months so was doomed to wear breast pads until a few months into my pregnancy. DD is still getting milk, I can tell because she drools it out sometimes
I'm planning on going as long as I can and I'm willing to tandem nurse if DD wants to. We'll see how it goes because I'm sure I'm going to be getting my colostrum in soon.