Just wondering if any one had a preemie first and if so when did you have your twins. Hoping I can get closer to full term this time.
10/17/2009 - Our Miracle came 10 weeks early. IF,2 MC and 1 Preemie we have our miracle..
Baby Hope 10 weeks 5days was taken from us on Dec 18, 2007. Forever with us and Forever missed. Triplets Lost baby A @ weeks, Lost Baby B at 6 weeks and lost baby Abigail at 14 weeks when she was born to little for this life..... Forever with us ....
Re: Did any one have Preemie before there twins?
I had a 35 weeker but totally unrelated to PTL. He stopped moving and turned out he had a hemorrhage. My OB and MFM think there is no reason I can't make it to 36-37 weeks with the twins.
If you have an early baby to PTL or IC, and then carry twins, you are at a huge risk due to the increased size and pressure to delivery early again. I have a transabdominal cerclage since I lost my first set of twins at 18w, and am also starting 17p shots to help prevent PTL this time around.
Twin boys born too early at 17w4d and 18w2d in February 2010
Transabdominal cerclage placed September 2010
DS born at 35w1d in February 2011
Twin girls born at exactly 36w in February 2013
My oldest was born at 34 weeks due to PTL. During my second pregnancy, my OB watched me like a hawk and sure enough symptoms came around 31-32 weeks. That time, I took a lot better care of myself, drank tons of water, and followed dr's orders for home modified bedrest. She was full term.
This time around, due to my history, multiples, and my "advanced maternal age"
the PTL started around 24 weeks and then my MFM admitted me for hospital bedrest when I started having cervical funneling/shortening/ctx. Very long story short, I was able to keep them baking until 34w5d.
I pray this pregnancy goes "full term" for you.
Boy 16, Boy 15, Boy 13, Girl 10, Girl 8 & Twin Boys 3, and Bacon!
Twin A is in REMISSION!
23 week loss, 24 week loss, 3 early miscarriages & a 25 weeker who lived only 9 weeks.