My FFFC: nbsp;I posted a picture of DS, no one commented on it, I got a little butthurt, and DD'd.
Aww, I'm sorry. I don't get around to reading every post when the board is busy, and usually just pick the ones with the juiciest titles or most replies. I also get butt hurt sometimes when no one comments on C's picture or when she gets no nominations in the contests. what's wrong with you people, can't you see that she's the prettiest baby ever!?! Jk I'm sure it's just cuz I'm not a big poster, but I still get irrationally hurt sometimes
My FFFC: nbsp;I posted a picture of DS, no one commented on it, I got a little butthurt, and DD'd.
Aww, I'm sorry. I don't get around to reading every post when the board is busy, and usually just pick the ones with the juiciest titles or most replies. I also get butt hurt sometimes when no one comments on C's picture or when she gets no nominations in the contests. what's wrong with you people, can't you see that she's the prettiest baby ever!?! Jk I'm sure it's just cuz I'm not a big poster, but I still get irrationally hurt sometimes
Oh, I also get irrationally mad when other people have such creative, amazing contest pics. It's like C doesn't even have a chance! I'm just jealous......hmm, I sense a trend. I think all my FFFC's have something to do with me being jealous of something or another. Yes, it's my biggest flaw....I want it all! It's the "baby" syndrome.
My FFFC is I'm not a fan of the not so nice "call-outs." Whether they're thinly-veiled, or flat out saying someone's name...I don't like them. I really feel like people (in general) on the board forget that just because you're on an internet forum, doesn't mean your comments might not possibly hurt someone's feelings. Sure, it's not all puppies and rainbows here, but do you *really* need to say that? I just don't understand the point other than to create drama. I'm sure I'll get a lot of flack on this, but eh, what can you do.
I've done one "call-out" before and it bit me in the butt. :coughtrollscough:
::golf claps::
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I think this turned into a bash AmandaR thread and honestly I don't like it. Of course this is flame free and I don't mean to start drama but she is so sweet to everyone and so what if she posts a lot of pictures of herself. Wether she is fishing for compliments or not it really should not make a difference, if you don't like it don't look. Also, some should remember that even the most beautiful people could have self esteem issues. She spoke before about not being one of the popular girls everyone hated in high school but rather the shy girl who people thought was rude because of her shyness. Sometimes those with low self esteem (not saying you have it AmandaR) may need a boost occasionally. Being happy because she posts an off picture of herself just seems a bit immature to me. Sorry- had to say it.
Softskate- Just wanted to let you know congrats on your weight loss. I just wanted to share my experience though... Before lo I lost 120lbs and still had a bit more weight to lose. I never ever lost that perception of being the fat girl. I hope that part of how you personally identify yourself goes away with your weight because it is horrible to be a 'normal size' and still see yourself the same way. Now that I am still holding on to 35lbs of baby weight I think I look morbidly obese and see that 300lbs person still...
My fffc- I purge. I lie to dh about it all the time and I pray I can stop before lo gets older. It is the only time during the day I feel calm. I did it during pregnancy too because the doctor kept telling me that 'for my weight' i was gaining too much. I had lost so much weight so quickly and a lot of it is because of purging. I put ALL of my self worth into how much I weight or how clothes fit. Part of me wants to get better but I am afraid if I do I will gain back weight. Another part of me wants to stay purging 1-2 times a day and feeling in control just that tiny bit. I diet, I try to work out, I just want to feel that I am a good person and worthy of friends and such and I just am so shallow that I think the reason I have few friends is because I am fat and no one would want to be my friend. I was made fun of so much as I was younger and being depressed and self loathing has become my personality.
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So people *** about no one naming names and say how it's lame if you don't name names. So...I name names and then it's suddenly rude/mean.
Can't please everyone I guess.
Some people like it, I personally don't. You happened to do it in this thread, others have done it elsewhere. Just fartin'.
ETA: This was my FFFC that I was going to post earlier, but I just got back to the computer to post it. You just happened to add your comment before I it wasn't intentionally directed at you, MrsA.
Hmm if I don't feel like looking at pictures of people and/or babies I just don't open the threads that say PIP in the title?
If it bothers you so much that someone is pretty then either a)don't open her pic threads or b)open them and wallow in your self pity alone?
I dunno, just don't see the point in making someone feel bad because they like to post pics and happen to be pretty. And saying oh well at least there was that one pic where she looked bad! (Her pregnant pic). Yeah... Wtf. Lame.
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I think if you're going to call somebody out, you should name names. Otherwise, you get a page of people saying "omg, is it me??" This doesn't speak to whether or not it's nice to call people out in the first place.
My confession: hubby went grocery shopping yesterday and got pretty much everything I asked for. But I still didn't cook dinner last night. And I don't feel like cooking tonight either. I am bad at working full time, having a baby AND getting basically anything else done.
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My fffc- I purge. I lie to dh about it all the time and I pray I can stop before lo gets older. It is the only time during the day I feel calm. I did it during pregnancy too because the doctor kept telling me that 'for my weight' i was gaining too much.
I'm so sorry you are battling this! I pray, that for your sweet LO you can go get some help! I used to purge too. I have battled with my weight/body issues all my life. I was just commenting yesterday to my bff that there has NEVER been a time in my life when I loved my body. I always felt fat, even though I now look at my old self in pictures and wish I could have been happy with how small I really was. I have been on too many insane diets to count. I have abused diet pills, even taken laxatives. I ate in secret, since my DH is a huge fitness/health buff and makes me feel badly for eating unhealthy. When he would have his boys nights, I would binge on easily over 2000 calories, then purge it back up. It felt amazing to eat, but then started a vicious cycle of feeling fat and like I needed it out of me. It saddens me that your doctor's comments made you feel you had to do that during your pregnancy. You have created life, of course your body is different! I am finally at a better place with myself, and starting to accept myself more. I haven't purged in years, but I admit I still have negative body image issues. I try to stop them, but it's hard sometimes. Please, seek some help. Tell your DH! You need some support here. Hugs
Oh and also: even though I only get 2-3 hours with LO in the evening sometimes i am just counting down to her bedtime so I can rush around and get to bed myself. I feel like I should be "enjoying every moment" with her as they are so limited. But I don't I am too tired to enjoy every moment. Makes me feel like a bad mom.
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My fffc- I purge. I lie to dh about it all the time and I pray I can stop before lo gets older. It is the only time during the day I feel calm. I did it during pregnancy too because the doctor kept telling me that 'for my weight' i was gaining too much. I had lost so much weight so quickly and a lot of it is because of purging. I put ALL of my self worth into how much I weight or how clothes fit. Part of me wants to get better but I am afraid if I do I will gain back weight. Another part of me wants to stay purging 1-2 times a day and feeling in control just that tiny bit. I diet, I try to work out, I just want to feel that I am a good person and worthy of friends and such and I just am so shallow that I think the reason I have few friends is because I am fat and no one would want to be my friend. I was made fun of so much as I was younger and being depressed and self loathing has become my personality.
Being emotionally healthy for your daughter and husband is more important that a weight on the scale! There is no reason to lie to your husband, I am sure you need his support in your weight loss journey and he will be there for you no matter what you are going through.
I know this doesn't mean much but you are one of my favorite posters. I love the photos of your daughter and how nice/calm you seem in your posts. I also love love her name.
Oh and also: even though I only get 2-3 hours with LO in the evening sometimes i am just counting down to her bedtime so I can rush around and get to bed myself. I feel like I should be "enjoying every moment" with her as they are so limited. But I don't I am too tired to enjoy every moment. Makes me feel like a bad mom.
It doesn't make you a bad mom! Even though I am with LO alone all day long when she wakes up from naps I just wish she would go back to sleep so I can get things done or just relax without her being held constantly. I love it, I do, but I know what you mean about not 'enjoying every moment'.
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Lindy- that actually means ALOT. This is usually the only 'human' interaction I get most days and I have the impression that because I am not in the cliques I am unnoticed. I don't mind the cliques they are fun but I figured, know. Thank you for the compliment on her name
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They see me rolling, they hating. But seriously Amanda's got it going on. I love the pic threads and I think she is such a strong woman. She won't let this affect her.
I think if you're going to call somebody out, you should name names. Otherwise, you get a page of people saying "omg, is it me??" This doesn't speak to whether or not it's nice to call people out in the first place.
Obviously I personally am in the "let's just not call people out at all because it's not nice" camp, but yeah-- the bolded is what makes me sad. I hate the insecurity that this board can create sometimes.
Oh and also: even though I only get 2-3 hours with LO in the evening sometimes i am just counting down to her bedtime so I can rush around and get to bed myself. I feel like I should be "enjoying every moment" with her as they are so limited. But I don't I am too tired to enjoy every moment. Makes me feel like a bad mom.
I totally do this, too.
I agree with Tamb on the Call out thing.
Daniellemf, please get help. You deserve more than that. And I'm saying This as someone who gets it so please don't take offense, but think of your daughter. You don't want her to grow up having a bad relationship with food. You just created life. You are a great mother. Your weight is not a reflection of who you are!
My confession (which is an opinion, but whatever) is I love the photo contests and I hope they don't die off. I am not creative and I love having a theme to fit into so I have cool pics of LO. But maybe I'm just another photo AW.
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And I really hope Amanda doesn't leave over this. She makes me lol.
If she can handle International prison, I don't think this is going to really send her over the edge. She doesn't seem like one who would just shrink away from confrontation!
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And I really hope Amanda doesn't leave over this. She makes me lol.
If she can handle International prison, I don't think this is going to really send her over the edge. She doesn't seem like one who would just shrink away from confrontation!
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One of my boys is a rolling fool. But in his crib he only rolls tummy to back (he is a belly sleeper) and yells when he gets stuck on his back. He rolls so much when we put him down for naps and bed that we have been putting a boppy in next to him so he can't roll as easily.
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First off, MrsHarlow, so sorry to read your story. That is so heartbreaking. Hugs to you!
Secondly, I don't think MrsA meant harm. The name was already thrown out and she was responding to someone. Call outs suck, yes, I'm guilty of them but I don't think she was trying to be mean or biiiitchy. My problem with picture posts is when people show up to post those only for the "your gorg" comments but don't participate in other things I.e onenicething. I tend to enjoy PIP threads actually!
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My real FFFC is that I think my random crap person will intentionally not send me anything b/c I don't always have the same opinions as the popular gals and I don't go along with the group-think on here.
Congrats on your weight loss. That requires hard work and I hope you become more comfortable as you continue to work towards your goal weight.
I like you and consider you a "popular" poster. This attitude though that you are a wise independent thinker amongst sheep is obnoxious. There are LOTS of opinions and intelligent women on this board. I think your little digs, like the one above, are a slight to the board. Please just say what you want to say. I'd rather hear your opinion, even if I don't agree with them, than continue to read the little backhanded comments.
I have to post and run. You said you don't like puppies and rainbows so hopefully you are not offended.
Not offended.
I have different opinions/ideas/ideals/views than some people here. Most of the group shares ideas/opinions that I don't. Maybe I misued the term group-think, it is more that I don't fit in with this group's opinions - than calling the people who all agree with each other "sheep".
You read it how you read it...I can't change that.
Will you just tell us your secret opinions and ideals or are they truly that incendiary? I understand not wanting to be flamed and to limit how much of yourself you put up for abuse on a public message board. I get that. I just can't see you actually being that much further to the right or left than any of the other extreme posters on the board.
My confession (which is an opinion, but whatever) is I love the photo contests and I hope they don't die off. I am not creative and I love having a theme to fit into so I have cool pics of LO. But maybe I'm just another photo AW.
I wish more people would/could participate in the photo contests! When it first started we had so many, and it was awesome to look at...I like to participate even if I don't have something that I think is a "winner" per say...granted I have a decent amount of time on my hands...but now it seems like it's dwindling, and it makes me wonder if we should just shake and say, "good game!" (even though I SERIOUSLY want to win one time :P )
I don't like call out unless someone is doing something really flame worthy. AmandaR is awesome and she is such a strong woman, she has been through more in her life than most everyone I know and she is still around with a great attitude!
Danielle- I'm sorry that you are gong through all of this. Please do what you can to make yourself healthy and happy so you can take care of yourself and your DD. Just screw what other people say who are negative, like your BIL and
do what you know is best for you and your family!
Emmie- I honestly love pictures of everyone?s Lo?s on here,
and if I would have seen it, then I would have said something.
I always feel bad when someone is new, or doesn?t post much
and people don?t even respond to the person at all when they start a new thread.
Like when they have questions that if a regular poster asked, everyone would be
posting on it. It doesn?t always happen, but I do notice it. I understand that when
you see certain screen names you recognize, or you know you like what the
person post, that you are more apt to click on the post though.
My FFFC, we are finally gonna go back home in less than a
month to visit family and I don?t want to see Dh?s brother and wife because she
is suuuuuuper passive aggressive and hasn?t really acknowledged DS?s birth. I
buy her son and them x-mas gifts every year and then never have got us
anything. They came to visit where we live, and they didn?t even come see me
and DS. DH?s family knows that she would throw a huge fit if things didn?t every
go her way, but if I tried any of that I would be the b!tch and it is getting
really old. I don?t want her to meet DS, I don?t want him to be around her
negativity and fakeness.
#1 - I love my new body since I started running. I feel my butt/leg muscles (under my chub) all the time and wish it was appropriate for me to ask other people to feel them. I also think most normal people have always had those muscles.
#2 - I always wanted a boob job. Having kids made me realize I'm fine the way I am. I do still want my 3rd boob removed for medical reasons. How do you get a mamogram in your armpit!?
This is super late but I do this same thing. Except I do have other people feel them. Just family, but still. Last night I shoved my leg in my H's face and said "FEEEEEEEELLL it. STRONG LIKE BULL, I AM!"
Maybe when the baby goes to bed I can actually read this thread, but I never participate anymore.
My FFFC: I never listen to popular music. It's my iPod or XM radio in the car...usually ESPN radio. Last night on Glee is the first time I've ever heard Call Me Maybe
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#1 - I love my new body since I started running. I feel my butt/leg muscles (under my chub) all the time and wish it was appropriate for me to ask other people to feel them. I also think most normal people have always had those muscles.
#2 - I always wanted a boob job. Having kids made me realize I'm fine the way I am. I do still want my 3rd boob removed for medical reasons. How do you get a mamogram in your armpit!?
This is super late but I do this same thing. Except I do have other people feel them. Just family, but still. Last night I shoved my leg in my H's face and said "FEEEEEEEELLL it. STRONG LIKE BULL, I AM!"
I used to do this with my abs all the time. I would flex them and then have friends feel them... As I'm typing this I realize how creepy that was of me... Yeah, I don't do that anymore.
Maybe when the baby goes to bed I can actually read this thread, but I never participate anymore.
My FFFC: I never listen to popular music. It's my iPod or XM radio in the car...usually ESPN radio. Last night on Glee is the first time I've ever heard Call Me Maybe
I only heard call me maybe cause it was on during the Olympics and the US team was singing it on the plane there. I had no clue what they were singing.
#1 - I love my new body since I started running. I feel my butt/leg muscles (under my chub) all the time and wish it was appropriate for me to ask other people to feel them. I also think most normal people have always had those muscles.
This is super late but I do this same thing. Except I do have other people feel them. Just family, but still. Last night I shoved my leg in my H's face and said "FEEEEEEEELLL it. STRONG LIKE BULL, I AM!"
I need to let these comments be my new attitude!
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I think if you're going to call somebody out, you should name names. Otherwise, you get a page of people saying "omg, is it me??" This doesn't speak to whether or not it's nice to call people out in the first place.
All this.
i wish i could be joking but my dad is the music teacher at a church so he owuld be mad. we had sex, all the time how bad i know but we dont want to wait and he said GREAT OH KAY! and I was really feeling the wets? down there- too embarsed to say- but he acted like man.
Lindy- that actually means ALOT. This is usually the only 'human' interaction I get most days and I have the impression that because I am not in the cliques I am unnoticed. I don't mind the cliques they are fun but I figured, know. Thank you for the compliment on her name
You are noticed. I'm still up for a gtg Please get help regarding the purging. Do it for your sweet baby girl.
FFFC: I was nervous about meeting because I'm a big girl. I assume everyone is gorgeous and I don't want to be the token fat chick. I wasn't always fat, I was 120 lbs at 5'6 when I started dating DH at 18 (I'm now 32). Now I look like I ate her because of PCOS. I try to eat healthy and I know all about portion control and limit my carbs but I just can't lose anymore weight and I've started gaining. I'm thinking of going on my GD diet and see if that helps. I want to do so many things with my kids.
Sorry no paragraphs, bumping from my phone.
I once had a picture until the trolls showed up.
TTC #1 7/08 PCOS dx 8/28/04 Met 1000 mg and Clomid cycles 1-4 1/6/09-5/2/09 BFN
Clomid 100mg 6/4/09=O'd=BFP on 6/29/09! Beta@14DPO 70.8 Beta@16DPO 152. EDD 3/7/10.
First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm.
K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks.
Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11!
Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
"If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."
I think this turned into a bash AmandaR thread and honestly I don't like it. Of course this is flame free and I don't mean to start drama but she is so sweet to everyone and so what if she posts a lot of pictures of herself. Wether she is fishing for compliments or not it really should not make a difference, if you don't like it don't look. Also, some should remember that even the most beautiful people could have self esteem issues. She spoke before about not being one of the popular girls everyone hated in high school but rather the shy girl who people thought was rude because of her shyness. Sometimes those with low self esteem (not saying you have it AmandaR) may need a boost occasionally. Being happy because she posts an off picture of herself just seems a bit immature to me. Sorry- had to say it.
Softskate- Just wanted to let you know congrats on your weight loss. I just wanted to share my experience though... Before lo I lost 120lbs and still had a bit more weight to lose. I never ever lost that perception of being the fat girl. I hope that part of how you personally identify yourself goes away with your weight because it is horrible to be a 'normal size' and still see yourself the same way. Now that I am still holding on to 35lbs of baby weight I think I look morbidly obese and see that 300lbs person still...
My fffc- I purge. I lie to dh about it all the time and I pray I can stop before lo gets older. It is the only time during the day I feel calm. I did it during pregnancy too because the doctor kept telling me that 'for my weight' i was gaining too much. I had lost so much weight so quickly and a lot of it is because of purging. I put ALL of my self worth into how much I weight or how clothes fit. Part of me wants to get better but I am afraid if I do I will gain back weight. Another part of me wants to stay purging 1-2 times a day and feeling in control just that tiny bit. I diet, I try to work out, I just want to feel that I am a good person and worthy of friends and such and I just am so shallow that I think the reason I have few friends is because I am fat and no one would want to be my friend. I was made fun of so much as I was younger and being depressed and self loathing has become my personality.
First of all, I think THIS is what makes threads turn into bashing threads. I only saw like 2 MAYBE 3 posters say something genuinely unkind about AmandaR. The rest of us were just saying that her pictures aren't ugly. <--I don't get how that is mean? It's mean to call someone attractive and say she can't take a bad picture? OK.
By having all these people start in on "Oh this thread is turning into a bashing thread" it draws all this attention to it and makes it seem that EVERYONE in everythreadever is bashing AmandaR. That isn't the case.
Secondly, I am not going to use kid gloves with this because you need to hear it. What you are doing is incredibly unhealthy and unstable. You have a daughter who needs you. A husband who needs you. You need you. Becoming a healthy person needs to be a priority for you RIGHTNOW. Not tomorrow, not next week, rightfuckingnow. The slippery slope you are on right now is not going to get better without an intervention and the sooner you seek help to fix this behavior, the better.
I am not trying to bully you, or pick on you, or be mean to you. But you need to get some help. No one on here can help you, and you can't help yourself. You need to see someone ASAP.
My confession (which is an opinion, but whatever) is I love the photo contests and I hope they don't die off. I am not creative and I love having a theme to fit into so I have cool pics of LO. But maybe I'm just another photo AW.
I wish more people would/could participate in the photo contests! When it first started we had so many, and it was awesome to look at...I like to participate even if I don't have something that I think is a "winner" per say...granted I have a decent amount of time on my hands...but now it seems like it's dwindling, and it makes me wonder if we should just shake and say, "good game!" (even though I SERIOUSLY want to win one time :P )
I would love to do the contests but I just have a cute kid. I can't compete with elaborate set ups. I just don't have time between the two kids and working full time.
Sorry no paragraphs, bumping from my phone.
I once had a picture until the trolls showed up.
TTC #1 7/08 PCOS dx 8/28/04 Met 1000 mg and Clomid cycles 1-4 1/6/09-5/2/09 BFN
Clomid 100mg 6/4/09=O'd=BFP on 6/29/09! Beta@14DPO 70.8 Beta@16DPO 152. EDD 3/7/10.
First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm.
K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks.
Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11!
Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
"If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."
Aww, I'm sorry. I don't get around to reading every post when the board is busy, and usually just pick the ones with the juiciest titles or most replies. I also get butt hurt sometimes when no one comments on C's picture or when she gets no nominations in the contests. what's wrong with you people, can't you see that she's the prettiest baby ever!?! Jk I'm sure it's just cuz I'm not a big poster, but I still get irrationally hurt sometimes
Oh, I also get irrationally mad when other people have such creative, amazing contest pics. It's like C doesn't even have a chance! I'm just jealous......hmm, I sense a trend. I think all my FFFC's have something to do with me being jealous of something or another. Yes, it's my biggest flaw....I want it all! It's the "baby" syndrome.
Can't please everyone I guess.
I think this turned into a bash AmandaR thread and honestly I don't like it. Of course this is flame free and I don't mean to start drama but she is so sweet to everyone and so what if she posts a lot of pictures of herself. Wether she is fishing for compliments or not it really should not make a difference, if you don't like it don't look. Also, some should remember that even the most beautiful people could have self esteem issues. She spoke before about not being one of the popular girls everyone hated in high school but rather the shy girl who people thought was rude because of her shyness. Sometimes those with low self esteem (not saying you have it AmandaR) may need a boost occasionally. Being happy because she posts an off picture of herself just seems a bit immature to me. Sorry- had to say it.
Softskate- Just wanted to let you know congrats on your weight loss. I just wanted to share my experience though... Before lo I lost 120lbs and still had a bit more weight to lose. I never ever lost that perception of being the fat girl. I hope that part of how you personally identify yourself goes away with your weight because it is horrible to be a 'normal size' and still see yourself the same way. Now that I am still holding on to 35lbs of baby weight I think I look morbidly obese and see that 300lbs person still...
My fffc- I purge. I lie to dh about it all the time and I pray I can stop before lo gets older. It is the only time during the day I feel calm. I did it during pregnancy too because the doctor kept telling me that 'for my weight' i was gaining too much. I had lost so much weight so quickly and a lot of it is because of purging. I put ALL of my self worth into how much I weight or how clothes fit. Part of me wants to get better but I am afraid if I do I will gain back weight. Another part of me wants to stay purging 1-2 times a day and feeling in control just that tiny bit. I diet, I try to work out, I just want to feel that I am a good person and worthy of friends and such and I just am so shallow that I think the reason I have few friends is because I am fat and no one would want to be my friend. I was made fun of so much as I was younger and being depressed and self loathing has become my personality.
Some people like it, I personally don't. You happened to do it in this thread, others have done it elsewhere. Just fartin'.
ETA: This was my FFFC that I was going to post earlier, but I just got back to the computer to post it. You just happened to add your comment before I it wasn't intentionally directed at you, MrsA.
If it bothers you so much that someone is pretty then either a)don't open her pic threads or b)open them and wallow in your self pity alone?
I dunno, just don't see the point in making someone feel bad because they like to post pics and happen to be pretty. And saying oh well at least there was that one pic where she looked bad! (Her pregnant pic). Yeah... Wtf. Lame.
I think it's weird how everyone is all "Say who it is! You won't do it...blah blah blah..." but then when someone does it turns into a ghost town.
Pretty sure if I didn't say a name people would still be harpin' on the "...I hate when people don't name names..."
I'm so sorry you are battling this! I pray, that for your sweet LO you can go get some help! I used to purge too. I have battled with my weight/body issues all my life. I was just commenting yesterday to my bff that there has NEVER been a time in my life when I loved my body. I always felt fat, even though I now look at my old self in pictures and wish I could have been happy with how small I really was. I have been on too many insane diets to count. I have abused diet pills, even taken laxatives. I ate in secret, since my DH is a huge fitness/health buff and makes me feel badly for eating unhealthy. When he would have his boys nights, I would binge on easily over 2000 calories, then purge it back up. It felt amazing to eat, but then started a vicious cycle of feeling fat and like I needed it out of me. It saddens me that your doctor's comments made you feel you had to do that during your pregnancy. You have created life, of course your body is different! I am finally at a better place with myself, and starting to accept myself more. I haven't purged in years, but I admit I still have negative body image issues. I try to stop them, but it's hard sometimes. Please, seek some help. Tell your DH! You need some support here. Hugs
Being emotionally healthy for your daughter and husband is more important that a weight on the scale! There is no reason to lie to your husband, I am sure you need his support in your weight loss journey and he will be there for you no matter what you are going through.
I know this doesn't mean much but you are one of my favorite posters. I love the photos of your daughter and how nice/calm you seem in your posts. I also love love her name.
It doesn't make you a bad mom! Even though I am with LO alone all day long when she wakes up from naps I just wish she would go back to sleep so I can get things done or just relax without her being held constantly. I love it, I do, but I know what you mean about not 'enjoying every moment'.
::Hug:: I'm sorry. I totally didn't see it. I'm not on here very much, but I love pictures of the LOs! I'm sorry I missed yours.
Obviously I personally am in the "let's just not call people out at all because it's not nice" camp, but yeah-- the bolded is what makes me sad. I hate the insecurity that this board can create sometimes.
I totally do this, too.
I agree with Tamb on the Call out thing.
Daniellemf, please get help. You deserve more than that. And I'm saying This as someone who gets it so please don't take offense, but think of your daughter. You don't want her to grow up having a bad relationship with food. You just created life. You are a great mother. Your weight is not a reflection of who you are!
My confession (which is an opinion, but whatever) is I love the photo contests and I hope they don't die off. I am not creative and I love having a theme to fit into so I have cool pics of LO. But maybe I'm just another photo AW.
If she can handle International prison, I don't think this is going to really send her over the edge. She doesn't seem like one who would just shrink away from confrontation!
Secondly, I don't think MrsA meant harm. The name was already thrown out and she was responding to someone. Call outs suck, yes, I'm guilty of them but I don't think she was trying to be mean or biiiitchy. My problem with picture posts is when people show up to post those only for the "your gorg" comments but don't participate in other things I.e onenicething. I tend to enjoy PIP threads actually!
Will you just tell us your secret opinions and ideals or are they truly that incendiary? I understand not wanting to be flamed and to limit how much of yourself you put up for abuse on a public message board. I get that. I just can't see you actually being that much further to the right or left than any of the other extreme posters on the board.
I wish more people would/could participate in the photo contests! When it first started we had so many, and it was awesome to look at...I like to participate even if I don't have something that I think is a "winner" per say...granted I have a decent amount of time on my hands...but now it seems like it's dwindling, and it makes me wonder if we should just shake and say, "good game!" (even though I SERIOUSLY want to win one time :P )
I didn't see it. I am so sorry this happened. Will you post again so we can see your cutie?
I don't like call out unless someone is doing something really flame worthy. AmandaR is awesome and she is such a strong woman, she has been through more in her life than most everyone I know and she is still around with a great attitude!
Danielle- I'm sorry that you are gong through all of this. Please do what you can to make yourself healthy and happy so you can take care of yourself and your DD. Just screw what other people say who are negative, like your BIL and do what you know is best for you and your family!
Emmie- I honestly love pictures of everyone?s Lo?s on here, and if I would have seen it, then I would have said something.
I always feel bad when someone is new, or doesn?t post much and people don?t even respond to the person at all when they start a new thread. Like when they have questions that if a regular poster asked, everyone would be posting on it. It doesn?t always happen, but I do notice it. I understand that when you see certain screen names you recognize, or you know you like what the person post, that you are more apt to click on the post though.
My FFFC, we are finally gonna go back home in less than a month to visit family and I don?t want to see Dh?s brother and wife because she is suuuuuuper passive aggressive and hasn?t really acknowledged DS?s birth. I buy her son and them x-mas gifts every year and then never have got us anything. They came to visit where we live, and they didn?t even come see me and DS. DH?s family knows that she would throw a huge fit if things didn?t every go her way, but if I tried any of that I would be the b!tch and it is getting really old. I don?t want her to meet DS, I don?t want him to be around her negativity and fakeness.
There are a lot of you that I wish I was first with IRL.
Also, I love looking at the pics of all our lo's I agree, post your picture again!
This is super late but I do this same thing. Except I do have other people feel them. Just family, but still. Last night I shoved my leg in my H's face and said "FEEEEEEEELLL it. STRONG LIKE BULL, I AM!"
Maybe when the baby goes to bed I can actually read this thread, but I never participate anymore.
My FFFC: I never listen to popular music. It's my iPod or XM radio in the car...usually ESPN radio. Last night on Glee is the first time I've ever heard Call Me Maybe
I agree! That is why I get so mad at my step daughters for being mean to each other.
They would be like, "Okay, you can flex now."
"I am."
I need to let these comments be my new attitude!
All this.
You are noticed. I'm still up for a gtg Please get help regarding the purging. Do it for your sweet baby girl.
FFFC: I was nervous about meeting because I'm a big girl. I assume everyone is gorgeous and I don't want to be the token fat chick. I wasn't always fat, I was 120 lbs at 5'6 when I started dating DH at 18 (I'm now 32). Now I look like I ate her because of PCOS. I try to eat healthy and I know all about portion control and limit my carbs but I just can't lose anymore weight and I've started gaining. I'm thinking of going on my GD diet and see if that helps. I want to do so many things with my kids.
I once had a picture until the trolls showed up.
TTC #1 7/08 PCOS dx 8/28/04 Met 1000 mg and Clomid cycles 1-4 1/6/09-5/2/09 BFN
Clomid 100mg 6/4/09=O'd=BFP on 6/29/09! Beta@14DPO 70.8 Beta@16DPO 152. EDD 3/7/10.
First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm.
K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks.
Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11! Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
"If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."
First of all, I think THIS is what makes threads turn into bashing threads. I only saw like 2 MAYBE 3 posters say something genuinely unkind about AmandaR. The rest of us were just saying that her pictures aren't ugly. <--I don't get how that is mean? It's mean to call someone attractive and say she can't take a bad picture? OK.
By having all these people start in on "Oh this thread is turning into a bashing thread" it draws all this attention to it and makes it seem that EVERYONE in everythreadever is bashing AmandaR. That isn't the case.
Secondly, I am not going to use kid gloves with this because you need to hear it. What you are doing is incredibly unhealthy and unstable. You have a daughter who needs you. A husband who needs you. You need you. Becoming a healthy person needs to be a priority for you RIGHTNOW. Not tomorrow, not next week, rightfuckingnow. The slippery slope you are on right now is not going to get better without an intervention and the sooner you seek help to fix this behavior, the better.
I am not trying to bully you, or pick on you, or be mean to you. But you need to get some help. No one on here can help you, and you can't help yourself. You need to see someone ASAP.
I would love to do the contests but I just have a cute kid. I can't compete with elaborate set ups. I just don't have time between the two kids and working full time.
I once had a picture until the trolls showed up.
TTC #1 7/08 PCOS dx 8/28/04 Met 1000 mg and Clomid cycles 1-4 1/6/09-5/2/09 BFN
Clomid 100mg 6/4/09=O'd=BFP on 6/29/09! Beta@14DPO 70.8 Beta@16DPO 152. EDD 3/7/10.
First u/s on 7/13/09 @6w0d heard and saw heartbeat 102 bpm.
K M #1 arrived via c/s 3/1/10 10 lbs, 22 inches long at 39 weeks.
Surprise expecting #2. Med-free BFP on 8/1/11! Beta@15DPO 58.2 Beta@17DPO 198.3 Beta@23DPO 2338. EDD 4/9/12
K M #2 arrived via c/s 3/19/12 9 lbs 2 oz, 21 inches long at 37 weeks.
"If we weren't all crazy we would go insane."