
New mommy and freaking out over DS indicators

this is my first pregnancy and I was excited til my first high risk visit. they told me everything looked fine and the babies were growing well having one of each then they dropped the bombshell. "both of your babies have a calcification in their hearts and no it doesn't mean heart problems it's an indicator of DS." she went on to say it's common but everyone I've asked hasn't heard of it. I was wondering if anyone else was told something similar during one of your ultrasounds?

Re: New mommy and freaking out over DS indicators

  • I've had patients/friends told there were no signs of DS and then they gave birth to a child with DS. So, not too much reassurance there- but- I'm a firm believer that everything will work out the way it's supposed to.

    Can they do more tests/check more things (besides an amnio) to ease your mind?

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • that's a very common soft marker for DS. did she say what it made your odds? probably still very low. i wouldn't let yourself get too worked up about it. will they check on it again later?
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  • imagepea-kay:
    that's a very common soft marker for DS. did she say what it made your odds? probably still very low. i wouldn't let yourself get too worked up about it. will they check on it again later?

    Ditto this.  I wouldn't worry too much at this point.  I've seen lots of posts with people with different markers/potential issues that wound up fine.

    2004-Started TTC; Nov 2007-Lap with endo removed; Jan 2008-Ectopic (mtx); April 2008-IVF #1 (bfp, twin girls); March 2011-FET (cp); June 2012-IVF #2 (bfp, singleton, EDD 3-19-12)

    ***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***

  • they said I had 3 options. amniocentesis, or this new procedure where they draw some of my blood, or do nothing. the new procedure is less than a year old and they look at the DNA to see if it has an abnormal strand and if it comes back positive I would have to get the amniocentesis to see which baby has it. I have an appointment with my gyno Tuesday and was told to ask his advice. I will also ask if there are any other tests to be done to see. I really don't want an amniocentesis because of the risk of a miscarriage. even more so I'm wishing the Dr never told me about it because I've been worrying ever since
  • My son had one on his heart and it went away on the next ultrasound, and he was born without downs, and perfectly healthy.  My midwife says that 99% of the time it's nothing.  Try not to worry.
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  • I want to say thank you to all of you for your insight on this it's helped me so much. I'm not as worried and there is still going to be some worry until I'm holding them in my arms. This whole website and community is so amazing and supportive I will definitely be logging on more.
  • My Baby A had this... an echogenic focus. He was born healthy.
    m/c 7/17/10
    Dx: MFI- 3% morph
    IUIs: Gonal-F + Ovidrel + b2b IUI= BFNs
    IVF with ICSI= BFP! EDD 11/25/11
    3/18- Beta #1 452! 3/20- Beta #2 1,026!! 3/27- First u/s- TWINS!
    Our twin boys arrived at 36w5d due to IUGR and a growth discordance

    FET: Medicated FET moved up to 5/23 due to ovulation
    Transferred a 6BB hatched blastocyst- genetically normal female embryo
    BFP! 5/28- 5dp6dt      
    6/1 Beta #1- 223! 6/3 Beta #2- 567!


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