Oh, back to the dental office I go. Having some anxiety about work/schedules/baby/kids/house. We will be doing formula after my stash runs out. Kinda sad about it, but at the same time I feel like it's time to move on. I've got a lot on my plate now and probably won't be around as much. I will miss my bumpies and all the fun times!
Re: Can't believe it! Going back to work Monday.
Well have fun going back to work! I can only imagine how busy you'll be. Is you office only open Monday through Thursday? If so, at least you'll have Friday's to catch up!
I've been MIA getting my house organized and just hanging out with the baby before I'm back to work. I've been soaking in my last days with her, just playing with her, singing and talking, giving her tons of TLC and attention.
Yes, thankfully the office is only M-Th, but I'm going to be gone from 7am-6pm, so that will be rough until I get back into the swing of things. I do love my 3 day weekends. We have Bailey in 2nd year orchestra, and Anna has decided to do band this year, and Kayden and Madison might be going back to ballet. My schedule looks like a pen went crazy all over my calendar. AHHHH, I know it will get easier once I get back into it. The hardest thing is that Evelyn decided that she does NOT want to sttn and once she wakes up she wants to be in my bed for the rest of the night. So, not looking forward to being so dang tired!
Awww, Harper'smom, you are so sweet! I will do my best to come play in the evenings and weekends! I promise!
Thank you so much! You remember my posts about my struggle with going back. Our finances were very scary for a while, but things started turning around fast, and even though my income now will mainly be savings (I hope it can stay that way!) it will be nice for me to join the working force again. My mom is excited to spend the days with the girls and is looking forward to grandma time.
Oh for sure! I've supported us before too as a temp thing. I feel super blessed to have been able to stay at home for this long. It would be nice to be able to go out to eat on date nights without feeling guilty, or take the kids to an event without srapping pennies. Having lots of kids are expensive and I hate feeling limited or turning down so many things because we didn't have my income to supplement for fun things. Now, I can buy that cute outfit for Evelyn, or take my girls out to a movie on a weekend. I'm excited about that part of working. Most importantly I will be able build up that safety net back up to where it should be incase hard times fall again. I feel very thankful and blessed that his business is staying busy!
Do you plan to have more? I seem to remember you having twins.. Is it two sets of twins you had, then the baby? I think its so cool when people these days have lots of kids because it seems nobody does anymore. Its all two kid families.
I kinda want to have a lot of kids but they are so expensive
Good luck with your new crazy (but fun!) Schedule!
I think you getting out and working will make you feel good too. Sometimes I would just LOVE to be a SAHM but then I start to think about not really having to worry about having the extra money if I see something spur of the moment for LO or if we need something I can just get it and not feel guilty. I also like to think that me working is contributing to LO's future (school, sports/activities, college, etc). It's hard being away from him and sometimes it makes me sad. I hope he will appreciate it when he is old enough to understand. Besides we are both very fortunate to have our parents watch the LO's. It gives my parents a lot of joy. I'm sure your mom will love it. Hope going back to work goes smoothly.