Cloth Diapering

How does this sound?

I am thinking of getting these dipes for my NB stash (we will be ordering within the next day or two):

4 Lil Joeys (would of been 3, but they come in pairs)

3 Swaddlebee NB

3 Blueberry Mini Deluxe Pocket


3 Grovia NB

3 Fuzzibunz NB

1 dozen NB Prefolds

3 Thirsties NB covers

and 3-4 Snappi's (I always lose them!)

Does this sound like a good start? Have a nice smattering of NB pockets and AIO, that way if we don't like one they aren't in the bulk of the stash. Plus these had the best reviews. Thanks!

PS also how many wipes to make?

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Re: How does this sound?

  • I have over 75 wipes but I also wipe her dry after every diaper change.  The concensus around here seems to be about 30-40. While some do 25.  I prefer to have the extras because they are very handy to have for drying off little hands, wiping noses etc.
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