Cloth Diapering

Two questions: Overnighting a toddler and convincing a daycare to CD

Hey ladies,

I used to be on here a lot and then honestly things got crazy and we had to stop CDing for a variety of reasons.  So I'm trying to get back on to CD train at least at night (DD's new daycare refuses to consider CDs). 

So my main question what's a good option for a heavy wetter (as in wakes up soaking wet in a Huggies Overnight) that's a big toddler that won't breat the bank?  DD's about 38 inches tall, 34 lbs and in size 3-4T in clothing.  I know fitted and wool is generally the rec but any specific brands that might work well?

 Second random question, as we start to think about baby #2 and I realize the suburban daycares are way less accepting of CDs than any in the city were what's the best bet for converting them?  We used BG 4.0 velcros before and a zip up wetbag that they just hung on the end of her crib at the last place.  The big push back I am getting is they have no where to put a wet bag, so for those of you with infants where do they put the wetbag during the day?  The ones we had weren't terribly durable so any particular brand you would rec?

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Re: Two questions: Overnighting a toddler and convincing a daycare to CD

  • DS goes to a day home, so I only had to convince one person to try cloth. I send velcro pockets, and she's been fine with them. I think she just keeps the wet bag with the clean diapers. It doesn't seem like a hardship.

    I use Fuzzibunz and Itsy Ritsy wetbags, both of which have been fine. If I was buying today, I'd probably just get Alva wetbags.

  • About the only fitted I can use overnight these days is by Old School Cool on Hyena Cart.  She used to have a 2 size system and the large size is HUGE!  She changed sizing recently though so I don't know how the new ones run.  My issue now is I can't find wool large enough to go over the fitteds.  DS is 36 inches and 29 lbs, wears a size 2T so nothing crazy big....but none of my soakers fit anymore.

    Now I use a Flip organic insert with extra babykicks hemp and a flip stay dry on top with a flip cover.  It's a monster diaper but it keeps him dry!

     As for wetbags, the only one I've tried is the large hanging one by Planetwise.  2 years old and just starting to show some wear!  So to me, worth the money.  His daycare hangs it on a hook in the diaper changing area. 

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  • I'm downstate, but Rogy's told me that it is mandated by the state of IL that they daycare has to use what the parents provide. I've never looked it up, as no one ever raised an issue. Might try to research that angle.


    Eta, we used bg aio's and they put the wet bag with the diaper bags. They, per policy,put the soiled diapers in their small plastic bags first, then moved to the wet bag. They used my cloth, so I put up with the useless plastic garbage bags. We had a mommy's touch wetbag, which barely fit our days worth. 

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  • I've heard of people getting a doctor's note citing diaper rash from disposables.  It would be worth a shot too...


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  • We wrote a long letter (that I'd be happy to share if you need it) that we sent to everyone at corporate when our chain daycare turned us down because of policy. Our location ended up letting us do it on a trial basis, and it's going great!

    They have a cabinet that opens up like a drawer and there was about 6" of space behind it. We put a plastic tupperware back there. they wrap each diaper in the paper that they change her on, then put it in a ziploc bag (2-3 diapers per bag) and then seal that in the tupperware. We take it home each day and bring it back the next day with clean diapers. A wetbag made way more sense to me but they couldn't wrap their heads around it, so we're doing it their way :)

    We tried to go into it offering a lot of options. We asked if they were ok with snaps (they are), and gave them 3 or 4 options (including individual small wetbags for each diaper!) to see which storage solution made the most sense to them.

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  • Overnight solution: Green Mtn Diaper Clotheez fitteds plus some doublers and Bummis Pullon covers.

    Check on inhome daycares or consider a nanny. I have a 21 year old friend who is a fulltime nanny and does pet sitting on the side. You could check on splitting costs with a family with one child. and Sittercity are good websites to check out.
  • We also hired a nanny from, and she watches our baby and our friend's baby.  It costs the same as daycare in our city.  She CDs both of our babies and also does their diaper laundry!  I basically have a double CD stash so I never need to bring diapers over to my friend's house where the nanny works.  I only wish I could find such a simple solution to providing LO with pumped breastmilk!
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