Cloth Diapering

Worn Out or Just Thin?

I bought 8 bumgenius CD's off Craigslist before DS was born. Having never used CD's before, I didn't really know what to look for. Now I'm thinking I bought a batch of lemons. Compared to the inserts that came with my new Fuzzibunz and Charlie Banana's, the BG inserts are super thin. (I mean, like I have bath towels that are probably thicker than these inserts.) Are they supposed to be like that, or are they worn out?



Re: Worn Out or Just Thin?

  • They could of given you the newborn insert/doubler. Since BG's come with 2. One that is OS that snaps, and another meant more as a doubler than anything.
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  • Actually, she included both inserts (NB and longer one). All are very thin...


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  • Weird, then just go onto like Jillians Drawers and buy a 3 pack of new inserts. It's not too expensive to do that.
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  • My BG inserts (especially the newborn doublers) that I bought used are definitely thinner than the fluffy inserts that came with my Kawaiis and somewhat thinner than my new BG inserts. I haven't had any absorbency issues with them, though. I'd try them and see - you can always replace the inserts if needed.
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