

Anyone watch?

Just watching it on dvr. I'm sobbing at Hattie leaving for college. I thought my mom was overbearing for crying when my parents dropped me off at college, but I'm 17 years away from it and I hate the thought.

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Re: Parenthood

  • I flippin love that show...and H will actually watch it with me. I was almost in tears when Max didn't say he loved Haddie back...

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Yup - I watch too, and I thought it was a good opener. DH refuses to watch it and went to bed early :)

    As far as the leaving for college thing - I'm not ready to think about that yet

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  • I love Parenthood!! I definitely cried at the end when Hattie left. : Also, I'm sad and confused about the whole Victor thing so he's adopted by them already? That seemed quick. I know it's just a show, but I feel SO sad for Joel and Julia. I don't know what I would do in their situation, but it's sad.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

    DD born 4/25/11
    m/c 8/10/13 at 5.5 weeks
    missed m/c 4/15/14 at 11.5 weeks, D&C 4/17/14
    BFP 6/22/14, Scheduled c/s 2/23/15, It's a Girl!!  

  • Just finished watching it at work (don't judge) and I started crying.

    Love that show. 

  • Wait. Is it on Wednesdays, now? Lame. I missed it.
  • AHHHHH! I had no idea it was back! Love that show. I'll have to catch up tonight!
    BFP # 1- DS ~ TTC #2 since Jan. 2012 - BFP # 2 - "Baby Elsie" - Blighted Ovum - D&C August 22, 2012 at 7w3d, BFP # 3 - CP - December 30, 2012, BFP # 4 - CP - March 19, 2013 ~ First RE Appt. 4/24/13 Med cycle #1: 50mg Clomid and Trigger shot = BFN. Med. Cycle #2: 6 cysts found. No meds/rest cycle. Trying on our own = BFP # 5! Beta #1 = 77, Beta #2 = 129 Beta #3 = 94 - CP - July 2, 2013. BFP # 6! Beta#1 = 21, Beta#2 =58 Beta#3 = 134. U/S shows heartbeat of 142 at 7w2d!
  • I cried when Julia said she felt like she was waiting to fall in love with her son.

    I feel so badly for that boy.  I've seen children in his position, and it's heartbreaking.

    Stay at home mom to a house of boys: two amazing stepsons, 12 and 9, and our 4 year old.
  • Freakin awesome show! Watched Tuesday's episode, it was great.
    m/c 2013
  • LOVE this show!  I also cried at the end when Hattie left.  I can't imagine dropping my kid off for college.  I agree with PP who said they now understand why their mother cried when they left.
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