I'm jumping on the wagon..
H and I think we have a final name.
He always said Austin from the beginning, so then we tried to come up with a middle name, anything I said was shot down, maybe because I named O.
So we thought Austin Michael, but H wants a nickname and a.m. Just isn't that cool. Out of no where H says I like James, after my grandpa so we decided on:
Austin James
Re: S/O S/O S/O names
Our last name is an H, so nothing cool could come from that! Lol although, H said he liked Aaron Austin, so he could have been "aah" haha
? Voted Cool Cat ~ 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards ?
"What did my fingers do before they held you? What did my heart do with it's love?"
I suggested Austin for Owen (H and I are both A's but H didn't want an A trend). And if we named Owen after H we would have called him AJ for Andrew Junior.
You can't go wrong with it I think!
Are you relieved to have a decision and that you can start calling him by his name?
Yes! We haven't called him anything yet lol
? Voted Cool Cat ~ 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards ?
I really like Austin, I pushed for it for Augie : )
"Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing."
~Dr. Suess
Before O was born I made a joke that I was spelling her name Olyv-eah
Austyn. Lol that is just bad!
? Voted Cool Cat ~ 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards ?
Lol!! Aw-styn jaymes
? Voted Cool Cat ~ 2012 Sweetpea Mom Awards ?