Maryland Babies

AW: We survived our trip!

We are finally home after 5 days out of town. We survived our trip out to St. Louis. But vacation would not be complete without several trips planned to the Zoo's, a preemie GTG, a trip to Urgent Care for pink eye, and a 6 hour plan ride w/emergency landing.

For those that are flying with little ones this is what we did, we checked three suitcases (3 paying passengers), checked the pnp, C's infant carseat in a carseat bag. I didn't wear her through security, but carried her, gate checked the sit and stand stroller (which was our life saver). We only carried a bookbag, a small bookbag for A and A's carseat. 

We visited family in St. Louis mainly A and C's great grandparents, with a few day trips to STL Zoo, Grant's Farm, STL Arch, St. Charles and we even had time for a Preemie play date. But vacation would not be completed without a trip to a Urgent Care. C came down with some green mucus in her eye on Saturday. Sunday we stopped by Urgent care and got a script. She was a trooper though, letting DH put this onitment in her eyes three times a day. Sleeping was hard on all of us, sharing a room sucked and the only person who sleep well was A.

Yesterday we arrived early to the airport, where TSA thought A's carseat would fit on the security belt (TSA in Baltimore just took the car seat and tested it). It got stuck in the machine and shut down the entire line. Then our bag got searched because of milk in a cooler bag. After spending 30 minutes at security we finally got to boarding. We boarded on time, but about 10 minutes in the air, the attendees came over the loud speaker and asked for medical personnel to report to the front of the plane. About 30 minutes later, we started to head back to STL for an emergency landing. We believe, but an elderly lady was having chest pains. After sitting on the ground for 45 minutes, we return back to the air, and arrive in Baltimore 2 hours late. Both C and A did okay, but as you can imagine C screamed during landing TWICE! My big girl A didn't have an accident on the plane, although we used the bathroom three times! Yeah for Mommy!

I'm just happy to be home and sleeping in my own bed. It was hard coming into work today though. 





Re: AW: We survived our trip!

  • Glad you all survived. It sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation!
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  • imagemadladybride:
    Glad you all survived. It sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation!

    Pita!  You need a badge or a massage or something! 

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  • imageanonsouthernbell:

    Glad you all survived. It sounds like you need a vacation from your vacation!

    Pita!  You need a badge or a massage or something! 

    I feel like I could sleep for a week. 




  • I bet and that should have said ITA....autocorrect...
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