One of the managers here made cupcakes for someone's birthday...piped strawberry frosting with strawberries on top.
Come to find out she PIPED CANNED FROSTING.
If you're going to go to the effort, wouldn't you just make the frosting?
I know I'm a smug cupcake elitist.
But canned frosting.
Re: A cupcake tragedy
"We like nothing better than buffing our Zygoma. And imagining a horny time traveling long overcoat purple scarf wearing super sleuth nordic legend fuck fantasy. Get to work on that, internet." Benedict Cumberbatch
<a href
omg, so good.
Burned by the Bear
My mixer died while I was making cake pops for LB. I forget every time that I no longer have one until I start making something. Sad.
I did this at DS's birthday.
I have to make our frosting dairy free and the last few times I made it for some reason the frosting seperated and looked terrible (but tasted great). In my defense though, I also made a cake shaped as Paul Frank's head with homemade Marshmallow fondant as well.
Sorry Irish, I'm team canned frosting.
Baking isn't my thing and I don't really like to take the time to do it. Normally it's boxed mix and canned frosting and I'll still manage to mess it up.
Now with cooking, I'm a little bit more of a snob.
I have a KitchenAid mixer. It's awesome.....for making dog treats and deodorant.
I want to get the meat grinding attachment.
My thursday confession... I have never made cupcakes or frosting from scratch. And I have piped out canned frosting before. (I have a pampered chef frosting gun bequeathed to me from my mother's stash when she passed away) Also, I have to make 48 cupcakes for my sister's baby shower today. I am making funfetti from a box and using canned funfetti frosting.
But I do have a question for you ladies. Those of you who make cupcakes and cakes from scratch... do you use cake flour or regular flour? Cause cake flour is pretty expensive at our grocery store and I never see anyone buy it either so it doesn't seem to be swapped out often.
I use whatever the recipe calls for, so it varies. But you can "make" your own cake flour as long as you have corn starch so unless I need a huge amount of it I pretty much never actually buy it. You can google the ratio but it's something like removing 2T regular flour and replacing it with 2T cornstarch.
Haha. And it's funny because I would LOVE to have a baby/toddler/child to love and snuggle much more than any of those things.
I'm just trying to enjoy it while I can.
Is that really the only difference? Lame that they charge so much for it then!
I guess this year, I will experiment with making cupcakes from scratch. Just not today cause I really don't have time.
Also, I don't have a stand mixer, but I have been wanting one! I'm planning to ask 'Santa' for one for christmas! Though I do have a red Kitchen Aid hand mixer!
Count me as another canned frosting lover. I have also piped it on cakes and cupcakes. Everyone LOVED it! heehee
I have one you can borrow.
It judges me every single day.
Me too. And everytime I see the title of this thread I want a cupcake even more. DAMN YOU IRISH!!!