Natural Birth

Bradley class again?

Should I take the Bradley class again for this new baby?  I don't know if I can justify spending the money again.  We have all the materials from the first time around, and I think we can kind of audit the classes we want to go over again with our previous instructor. Has anyone taken it more than once?

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Re: Bradley class again?

  • DH specifically requested not to take it again, lol.  I plan to review some of the materials as a refresher.
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  • Nah, I'd just go over your materials and remind DH of some of the exercises and ways to help you relax.  That's what we did - I also did some hypno birthing/babies exercises and read Ina May books and Birthing from Within to prepare, but DH just looked at our notes and Bradley stuff a few times.


    Two boys already - ages 5 and 3... #3 is here...

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  • i didn't take it again with my second pregnancy.  i remembered a lot of the material, and i read some of it again just to be on the safe side.  once i was in labor, everything came flooding back.
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