If your child had chronic ear infections/fluid in their ear, did you notice good days/bad days when it came to speech/listening to directions?
My DD has had fluid in her middle ear on and off for about 7 months now. Sometimes she is really responsive to directions/uses a combo of words/signs all day long then she has days where she hardly even babbles. She's had two hearing tests thus far--one she did poorly on (but was inconclusive because she wasn't fully cooperative) and one she passed. It is so confusing to me.
Re: On the topic of kiddos who needed ear tubes...
I am confused with all this as well. Her ST is convinced she needs tubes and her OT thinks she hears too much to pay attention.
AHHHH. I am just by passing the doctor and going straight to the ENT for answers about the tubes...then I will know...hopefully.
Yeah, I'm really, really, really, ridiculously pissed off at my pedi. At 17 months my dr noticed a large amount of fluid in one side, while the other had some fluid but not to the same level of severity as the left side. She told me to come back in a month to recheck to see what to do next. A month later the fluid had went down but I was still noticing that she was unresponsive to her name/directions a lot of the time and asked for an ENT referral. She referred me to the local children's hospital which I was thrilled about, and even though I had to wait nearly 2 months for the appointment I didn't really mind because I wanted her to be seen by the best doctors. Well she referred me to a freaking audiologist, not an ENT so I still don't have any answers since all they could tell me was that she wasn't deaf and there was still a lot of fluid in both ears.
That's reassuring. I'm hoping that's the case. Right now I'm just so confused. Blah.