Better to do the required state training together as a couple, or not too many issues doing it alone whenever the timing works? What do you think?
We have picked an agency and randomly got lucky hit with Pride Training (required in Texas) already on their calendar this weekend. Most agencies here will do it one night a week for a month or so until it is finished. This agency does it Thurs, Fri, Sat 8 to 4 every other month. This weekend they have a course, starting tomorrow. Next one is in November. DH is out of town this weekend and can't do it, but I could try to push away from work and do it myself. He could do it alone in November. I can't do November as I will be traveling for work on those dates. Our next option is to spend these months getting all the paperwork and forms together and application and references, etc and take it together in January. We are also trying to help my mom who lives with us move out, so waiting gives us a little more time to help her and get our house exactly as we want it to be for homestudy. We don't know dates for January though and both run the risk of being called out of town for our jobs in January without knowing the dates yet, but usually we don't have work trips that month. So Jan is not a for sure. Then we'd be going into March.
As I try to make this decision in next hour or so, just wondering if there are more benefits in taking the Pride training together whenver the timing works, or getting it finished the soonest you can even seperately, so you can focus on all the other to-dos in the process and learn all you can early on.
We are doing foster to adopt program and domestic infant program simultaneously.
Re: Pride Training (Texas)
I haven't done PRIDE training, but I think it would be better for you to do it together, since there are lots of thinking/talking points that you as a couple may need to go over. Also, if only one of you has finished the classes, your process will be on hold anyway until every adult over 18 in the household has completed the classes (in which case it would probably be best/easiest to wait until your mother has moved out completely).
I would take the next few months to get everything in order around the house, with any paperwork you need to get done, etc. and then do your damndest to be at the training in January together as a couple.
Oh goodness I had not put two and two together yet that my mom would have to take the training if she lived with us. Thanks so much for the advice. It helps a lot!